10th May 2017 - Ascended Masters Diary
We had a lovely day in the portal, first the day began with singing from Archangel Michael, Dom Ignacio and Lord Lanto. The portal was a soft blue, yellow and pink, the ray colours of these three, and also the colours of the three fold flame. The colours swirled and entwined to bring the energy of power, love and wisdom to those on the free healing list. As the day wore on various Masters popped in and out. St Germain is back after a few weeks away. Lady Nada is standing in meditation as I type. All very lovely and soft.
I was asked today what the symbol on the Grounding oil bottle means. The symbol is shown here. The Masters
designed the grounding oil label and at the time told me the meaning of the symbol. I don't seem to have written it down. So I have asked again. The symbol is for grounding. The outer circle represents out own personal ring pass not, within which contains and feeds all that we are in a symbolic way - our past lives, dimensional lives, our guides, rays, teachers, masters, ancestral memory, Higher self, higher consciousness etc - all that feeds and maintains us and that which pulls us out of body. The central orb is the individual within this ring. The battle is to be present while all this other parts of us are pulling us out of body aka un-grounded. The central orb indicates all is in balance and harmony. A symbol for not being grounded would have the central orb in a different place.
Grounding oil - keeps us present, fully in body and fully engaged. We can see the colours around us, smell the smells, see the people and hear what they are saying. Our mind isn't elsewhere. Be present, that is why we are here, to be part of this human experience. When we are grounded the opportunities around us are seen and pursued.
I was asked today what the symbol on the Grounding oil bottle means. The symbol is shown here. The Masters

Grounding oil - keeps us present, fully in body and fully engaged. We can see the colours around us, smell the smells, see the people and hear what they are saying. Our mind isn't elsewhere. Be present, that is why we are here, to be part of this human experience. When we are grounded the opportunities around us are seen and pursued.