masters-speak.jpgThe Ascended Masters rarely talk in verbose ways, preferring to deliver succinct teachings. Some of those we have received at the Ascended Masters portal are here.

"New beginnings start with every breath." - Ganesh

“It is in letting go that liberation is obtained.” - El Morya

“The path of self-healing is the path of self-knowledge.” - El Morya

"If with every breathe the sun rises and sets, then in that moment Be."- Hilarion

“Let your actions be ruled by your heart, not by your mind.” – Lakshmi

"When living in the heart, time ceases, and you begin to live each breathe as the gift it is." - Hilarion

"Things don't happen to you...they happen for you." – Isis

“Life is a physical manifestation of a spiritual journey.” - El Morya

“Why seek an external solution to an internal issue.” – Ares

"Believing in ascension doesn't make you advanced."

"Claim your divinity, not your humanity." Serapis Bey

“Be in your power, follow your own inner guru.” – Ares

“Wisdom comes from the heart.” – Kuthumi

“Feeling energy does not mean change is occurring.” – Melchizedek

"Humanity will ever divide, and Divinity will only ever move as one." – Ares

“To be at One with yourself, you must be at One with your twin flame.” – Omega

"Don't desire, Be and Do.”  – Serapis Bey

"See the light, not the darkness, in everyone you meet. When you do this, all interactions come from the heart. There is no judgement.” – Cassiopeia

"Be inclusive not exclusive."

"When the heart opens, the ears open too." – Jesus

"Knowing the story doesn't make you the Storyteller."

"Stay off the astral plane, it is a playground for the ego." – Jesus

"The world has greater potential when we step forward in authenticity." – Pallas Athena

"Not stepping forward as the authentic self ensures many doors never open." – Pallas Athena

"Don't live in the past, you will miss the present." – Jesus

"Inner Strength is based on love and respect for self." – Mary Magdalene

"Men and women are just souls in different bodies." – Jesus

"You are better than anyone you pretend to be."

"Allow for the magic of change." – St. Germain

"I am St Germain, I am not the violet flame. I utilise the violet flame, just as you do."

"All the knowledge in the world doesn't bring you one step closer to God."

"Follow the path of the Heart, not the path of the mind."

"Anger is ego."

“The journey is to move from the mind to the heart. The mind wants to 'do' when the heart wants to 'Be'. If with every breathe the sun rises and sets, then in that moment Be. For it is the mind that wants achievement, it is the mind that wants results, and that is the illusion. In the Sacred Heart, time ceases, and you begin to live each breath as the gift it is. And as you centre yourself in the heart space, the heart opens. In time, your love will flow to humanity with every breath you take.” – Hilarion

"How many of you are perfect? Your inner Being is perfect, just like the inner Being of the crystal, but how many of you are damaged in ways that are both seen and unseen?...All of you. So judge not the visual beauty of anything, but accept everyone and everything as a gift to the world." – Jesus

"Silence is a place... it's that place where a drop of water is suspended before it falls, like that drop of water you see. It's the place between the in breath and the out breath. And in this silence, there is no thought, no sound. That is the place you strive to achieve in meditation. Concentrate on the breath. At that point when your lungs are full and before you exhale, feel and experience the place between breaths. Now hold that place as you exhale, hold that place between breaths, inhale still holding that place. Keep holding the place between breaths as you slowly breath in and out, renewing your place in the silence. How long did it take before a thought came in? Embrace the place of silence in meditation, for there you achieve great balance, and in the balance, Oneness.” - Paul the Venetian

From Maruata

"Ascension isn't a third eye experience, it's a Sacred Heart experience."

"We don't ascend because we have spiritual experiences, we ascend we pay our karma and don't make more karma."

"The old you was imperfect, the new you is imperfect. I love you both."

"Why are you consciously ascending?"

"We can't ascend and expect to stay the same."

" The ties that bind us are often of our own creation." " Forgiveness will set you free."