Mother Earth and Free books

Mother Earth and Free books

Mother EarthMany of you wonderful people are kindly helping our Mother Earth (Papatuanuku) by healing her body, clearing her energy, clearing her ley lines, and much more. Recently I had a beautif…
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A Clearing Technique

A Clearing Technique

Here we are in June. It’s a freezing day in New Zealand. The crab apples are bright red on the tree, the wild rabbits are hopping over the frost covered lawn, and the dogs are asleep in front of th…
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The Masters can help you

The Masters can help you

Namaste,I hope all is well with you. Sometimes I ask this, and I know for many of you the answer is, ‘no life isn’t good’, ‘no I’m not well’. So how can the in dividual Masters help you and your fa…
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Archangel Gabriel shares

Archangel Gabriel shares

I am currently writing about Archangel Raphael. I was guided to re-read the article on Archangel Gabriel and share more about him here with you.Before I share from Archangel Gabriel, I want to share…
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Set yourself free

Set yourself free

In the last post the Masters suggested to everyone a mission of sending love to those they didn’t like. Thank you to all those who emailed me sharing their experiences and their light bulb moments.D…
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Masters suggest a mission for you

Masters suggest a mission for you

Namaste,2024, here we go again. The Masters suggest a mission aka a service.At the start of the year, I gave myself a week to sit in meditation, stand in the Ascended Masters portal, talk to the M…
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Crystal Portals

Crystal Portals

The Ascended Masters and Archangels are expanding their presence in the world with their crystal portals. All these portals link together in a huge grid around the world, while also individually worki…
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June 2023

June 2023

It's a glorious day here at the portal. Winter is just arriving; the air is crisp and the sun is shining. The Masters are standing around the portal in quiet conversation. They nod to me with acknow…
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April 2023

April 2023

Namaste,There is singing in the Ascended Masters portal. The Ascended Masters and Angels are singing together. Through sound they are sending a beautiful vibration of love and support to humanit…
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October 2022

October 2022

October 2022For those of you who are new to visiting this website, welcome with love. There is lots to read. We have readings to help you learn more about the energetic you and your Ascended Master…
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September 2022

September 2022

I feel it is time to start doing the Diaries again. I started these diaries at the inception of the Ascended Masters portal when I was at the fourth initiation and now 12 years later, I have passed…
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