10th May 2018

This week Waireti presented everyone on the free healing list to the Masters in the portal. The Ascended Masters Cha Ara and Kuan Yin were there to accept all of those she presented. Cha Ara is a 5th Ray Master (healing and knowledge) alternating between wearing a white robe with a red furze, or jeans and a leather jacket. He always presents as a young man. Kuan Yin is a 3rd Ray Master (the ray of unconditional love). She often appears in work mode with a long plait/braid down her back and loose pants. This week they gave healing to those on the healing list around the issues of balancing the divine masculine and divine feminine. We’ve all had many lives as male or female; the ratio between the two can be unbalanced and cause imbalance within the divine masculine and feminine. They were addressing this.
The graphic is of Cha Ara's aura colours.
I was reminded yesterday of the joys of working with the Ascended Master portal cards. A lovely young woman who has passed the 6th initiation and nears the 7th initiation told me she gets the 22 Ascended Master portal cards and lays them in a circle on the floor. She then lays within the circle and receives healing from the Masters. She also selects a few portal cards as she lies there and puts these on her chakras for deeper healing.
Putting the portal cards on the chakras is like the Master’s hand is on your chakras. What a blessing to be able to receive healing from the Masters in this way.
The 22 Masters who created these portal cards work in harmony as a group. When they know you are lying within their portal circle, they will create an energy torus around you. This simple act on your part will help you on all levels as the masters come in close. This also applies to the prints when put up in a room. They are great for working healers and their clients.
Here is the link to the 22 Ascended Masters’ healing portal cards. I feel at NZ$80 (approx US$55) this is quite a nice investment for ongoing healing with the Masters. And here is another link to just their individual portal cards.