19th July 2018

This week's healing team in the Ascended Masters portal for the free ascension healing is Ganesh and Amaryllis, the goddess of spring. Amaryllis shows me a tender young bud on a tree, it is so delicate. Then she shows me those being healed. To her they are all tender young buds that need to be nurtured and cared for. She shows me a tree and reminds me how the plant nurtures and sustains its tender buds. And then she shows me people and how they aren't nurturing themselves, but rather they treat themselves in a negative and harsh way. I can feel her compassion. Nature has much to teach us.
The 2014 diary extract below was recently bought to my attention. It needs to be shared again as it fits in with this week's healing theme.
God created our physical body as our vehicle for living. Our soul returns life after life into a new body created just for us.
He/She is our vehicle to live and enjoy life. The body was made so we can enjoy living; we can smell, see, breathe, walk, talk and taste. With this vehicle we can enjoy Papatuanuku (our Mother Earth) who sustains us through this life experience.
Know this vehicle was created to house your beautiful soul while in body. For that alone, honour the body and respect it as the Holy receptacle he/she is.
But know most of all that the body is a gift for us to LIVE.
How many of you consciously live your life in your body? Or do you just exist in him/her?
When we exist in our body, our body knows. When we dislike our body, our body knows. When we leave our body and are ungrounded, our body knows. When we disrespect our body, our body knows.
If you can't give your body what it needs, why should he/she give you what you need?
Respect, honour, and cherish your body - he/she will know.
The new sprays are now online. They need to be used daily to create change, not just when you feel the need for support.
- Lighten - to bring lightness of being and joy into your life. Great for those who feel burdened.
- Speak - for those who are fearful and anxious about speaking up and worry about the ramifications of speaking.
- Harmony - for those with physical, emotional and mental conflict in their life
- Love - for those wanting to open up to receiving and giving love. Good for relationships.
- Rescue - for those who feel depressed, overwhelmed and nervous
You can find them in our store to read more.
We have added a new person to our team - Tara. She is helping us with the content of the website, administration, and answering some of our emails.
Hello diary readers! I am honored to be a part of the team. I’ve been using the Ascended Masters’ products and healings for about five years now and my life has transformed in so many wonderful ways - this new role being just one of them. I look forward to all of our future co-creations! P.S. I tested the Speak spray for Verna and WOW is it powerful. It has really helped me release the unnecessary filters I had placed on myself. I highly recommend it.