2 August 2017
Here we are back into the swing of portal life - angels singing, Masters walking and talking in our environment. We are blessed to be living in such a sacred space. I am aware of how many past lives I have had in monasteries, nunneries and as a hermit. The peace and tranquillity of the portal feeds a past life part of me. It is good to be home.
The healing Masters this week are Pallas Athena, Isis, Jesus, Eros and Melchizedek. This is not a common grouping, but I realised they were working individually. So those on the free ascension healing list received 15-20 minutes healing each from one of these Masters. They might have presented themselves as their colours - Melchizedek has a dark blue, red and white aura, Isis has red and purple or gold, Eros cream and pale gold, Jesus is yellow and Pallas Athena dark purple and gold. You can read more about them here in "Meet The Ascended Masters."
In the past we have given freely the service of knowing your ascension Ascended Master - the Master who walks with you for the purpose of your ascension. We all have an ascension Ascended Master regardless of the stage of ascension, for these are the times of ascension.
We are now happy to announce that we are once more giving this free service. If you want to know your Ascension Master just send us a recent photo on our contact page. We ask you don't ask on behalf of someone else unless they give permission, we take this relationship with the Masters seriously. We will look at your children if they are under the age of 14. Fourteen and over, then your children must give permission for you to ask on their behalf.
What is the benefit of asking for your children? Once we know our ascension Ascended Master (regardless of the age), a relationship starts to unfold. When this relationship begins at a heart level, then the Master can come in closer and help and guide in ways that assist the child's highest good.
While we were away, (and you have to understand Waireti and I rarely leave our home town, so awareness of the world is small and yet not) Waireti was amazed at the closed cocoons everyone existed in. She saw little evidence of awareness outside of self. This meant there was little kindness towards others witnessed and little situational awareness. Waireti for one day just got on and off trains and buses, sat at bus stops and generally interacted with people - she talked, engaged, helped and healed. Being aware, being present, being kind is not hard. There are many we pass in our daily lives who are lonely and alone or just need a hand in the moment. A kind word, a healing energy, a helping hand to get the children and shopping off the bus is not hard. So we ask you look up from your hectic world, and have situational awareness as you go about your daily lives. Perhaps give a smile and hello to a neighbour or send healing to a stranger in need. Ascension is about living in the heart and that means seeing the world outside of yourself. What can you do to help your fellow travelers on the path?