21 March 2018
Hi everyone, welcome back.
This week we had Serapis Bey and St. John the Baptist stepping forward to conduct the free Ascension healing sessions. St. John was here last week and Serapis Bey the week before. Together they are working on clearing some of the dross from the crown chakras of those on the healing list. The crown chakra is about higher guidance and higher communication. It’s always good to have the channels clearer, though karma still remains in the chakras.
While doing an Ascension reading today, I’ve been writing about the ways we can make karma and don't even know it.
We all have patterns of behavior, some good and some bad. Some of these are tied into our personality and others we have learned from our parents, family, friends, and even the media. The eye roll is a classic example. The eye roll is about judgment and judgment creates karma. Finger and hand gestures are about anger and judgment; they too create karma. Judgment in all its forms creates karma.
Karma is subtle, and a lot of the time people aren’t even aware they are creating karma. The fleeting thought is a good example of this, forgotten before it is even complete, or something as subtle as noting the vegetables at the supermarket aren't fresh. The unspoken judgment (sometimes the un-thought judgement) and feelings that go with this create karma. I know this seems crazy, but that is how subtle karma can be. It seems like an entire day is just a set up for creating karma, and it is.
The end awareness is this: while we are in body, we will continually be making karma and we will continually be paying it. That is why it is so difficult to leave the cycle of rebirth. You can see why people go and hide away in remote places to minimize temptation, but that isn't how it works. We need to exist in life to pay karma.
This brings us back to my mantra for Ascension - heart based thoughts, heart based actions, heart based speech.