29th March 2017 - Acended Masters diary
Thank you to all those who played with us this week. Waireti loves games and the lightness is creates us.
Waireti drew the names. We made it a fun game just drawing the names.
We had an overwhelming response to the healing shawls, and so instead of drawing one we drew five names for the shawls. Those whose names have been drawn for the healing, readings and shawls have been sent emails.
I have had a full on week this week. The Masters have pulled me back to the portal to re-focus my energies on working with them and their work in helping humanity reach the 5th initiation. So of course I was continually feeling pulled in other directions despite the Masters wanting me to focus on them. This bought up issues for me of letting go. Which in turn let me see others issues of letting go. What we recognise in others is often manifesting in ourselves and visa versa.
Letting go? or rather why do we hold on? We have to be holding onto something in order to let it go. The answer is usually because the holding on feeds a need within ourselves. (5 minute interlude while I face what I am holding onto, ouch! nothing like looking at ourselves with the rose coloured glasses off. LOL)
Here I am telling you about my need to let go, and this too is mirrored in those around me. I could tell you my story here, but I won't, that will only perpetuate the energy I created. How come we know we need to let go, but feel the need to bring others into our drama of release? The story can get bigger and bigger and the energy grow and grow as more and more are bought into our drama. How did that happen? may be asked by many as they drop away from the story. Does support help in the release? does telling others make us feel better about ourselves? Humanity as a whole loves a good story and a good drama, and even better if we are at the centre of it? Perhaps not.
I suspect letting go brings up issues of guilt, coupled with abandonment. I certainly feel guilt in my letting go and I feel my letting go is in a sense, an abandoning of others. On the other hand, in sharing I am trying to justify to myself why I let go and get confirmation from others that it was okay. The web of social interaction is complex especially when a story gets created.
But now I have to put on my big girl shoes. We let go for lots of reasons - perhaps a situation is bad for us; a situation is beyond our ability; our love for something is so great we know in the release we are helping them on a path that is beneficial to them; we have had enough and it is time for us to step back; we are needed elsewhere and must prioritise; personal health and safety. There are so many reasons for letting go, but let go we all must do at some stage. Hence my big girl shoes.
Let go. No drama. No story. Own it. Accept it. Move on.
We suggest Letting go oil for those serious about ascension because letting go is ongoing for those ascending. At the 6th, part of the ascension process occurs according to our letting go. Letting go of old patterns of behaviour, old thought patterns, foods that no longer suit our vibration, desires, attachments, all those things that keep us out of balance. It is a good idea to start the practise of letting go at the 3rd initiation, so at the 6th initiation you recognise what you need to let go of and why, and so speed up the ascension process. Wallowing in the story of letting go won't help us or those we gather into our story one little bit. Trust me.
This week's free ascension healing was given by Hilarion and Ganesh. The portal was a wash of emerald green. They gave healing for the inner Self this week.
If you want to take part in this Wednesday ascension healing for 12 weeks, just send your photo using our contact page. These sessions are a good way to determine if you want to continue onto the paid sessions.