Ascended Masters Diary - 22.2.17
Sorry for the lack of diary last week, I was away getting married to my
twin flame. We had a wonderful celebration of our love with those
closest to our hearts.
Love is an easy image to convey. The emoji heart says it for us so easily. We are becoming pictorial in our communications. Smiley face, sad face, heart, and so on. It gives rise to imagining how the ancient Egyptians could express so much in an image.
The pictorial is also seen in modalities of healing like Reiki. Some see codes, like bar-codes downloading into some, and then there are the pictorial energetic codes, that some healers are being given to insert into auras. Some of these healers are guided by the light and some by astral pretenders (those who pretend to be of the light and are not).
In these days of ascension it is becoming a minefield to determine which healers will serve our greatest good. It is a minefield we all must walk, all I can say is follow your heart and choose a healer who you feel is of higher vibration than you. Trust in You, to choose as is best for you. And if you can't decide then do nothing and work with yourself. You are the master of your own ascension process.
Last Wednesday's free healing session was conducted by Jesus and Pallas Athena. The healing was around the see-saw that occurs within people before they come into balance.
This Wednesday's free session was with Melchizedek, Thomas Merton and Charity, one of the archangels of the 3rd ray. They healed around issues of complexity.
We have some new Ascended Master crystal portals available - Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene, St Germain, and St John the Baptist. The Masters are here to help you with your ascension, help you heal self and others and to work with humanity in general via their crystal portals. Holding a portal is like holding a Masters hand, these are direct links to the Master.
Love is an easy image to convey. The emoji heart says it for us so easily. We are becoming pictorial in our communications. Smiley face, sad face, heart, and so on. It gives rise to imagining how the ancient Egyptians could express so much in an image.
The pictorial is also seen in modalities of healing like Reiki. Some see codes, like bar-codes downloading into some, and then there are the pictorial energetic codes, that some healers are being given to insert into auras. Some of these healers are guided by the light and some by astral pretenders (those who pretend to be of the light and are not).
In these days of ascension it is becoming a minefield to determine which healers will serve our greatest good. It is a minefield we all must walk, all I can say is follow your heart and choose a healer who you feel is of higher vibration than you. Trust in You, to choose as is best for you. And if you can't decide then do nothing and work with yourself. You are the master of your own ascension process.
Last Wednesday's free healing session was conducted by Jesus and Pallas Athena. The healing was around the see-saw that occurs within people before they come into balance.
This Wednesday's free session was with Melchizedek, Thomas Merton and Charity, one of the archangels of the 3rd ray. They healed around issues of complexity.
We have some new Ascended Master crystal portals available - Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene, St Germain, and St John the Baptist. The Masters are here to help you with your ascension, help you heal self and others and to work with humanity in general via their crystal portals. Holding a portal is like holding a Masters hand, these are direct links to the Master.