Chananda portal

A group of 7th initiate Light workers in Canada have been working with the Ascended Master Chananda. Their work with him has been completed and then now wish to pass his portal onto the next group with which Chananda will work. He has a mission he needs help with.
Chananda is a First ray Master. His ray colours are blue and silver, though he has the sub-rays of the second ray (joy and wisdom) and the fourth ray (harmony through conflict). If he were to present himself to you in meditation, he would appear as an Asian Indian, dark skinned, short stature, black eyes, cowlick on the front of his hair so hair stands up and a barrel chest. His smile is a story waiting to be told. As a first ray Master he is helping those who have difficulty expressing themselves from the heart.
We are not selling this portal through the website, but we are happy to direct those interested to the current holders. The cost will be CDN$420. The crystal is a white amethyst geode. 11.5 m x 6 cm with a 20 cm circumference. Contact us through our contact page if you are called.