Crystal Portals
The Ascended Masters and Archangels are expanding their presence in the world with their crystal portals. All these portals link together in a huge grid around the world, while also individually working with humanity and the holder of their crystal portal. The list is long of the Masters and Archangels ready to make portals. Check out the link. Meditate and see if this is something for you. It is a great responsibility to bring a portal of such a vast being into your home and isn't a step to be taken lightly.
To own one of these Sacred portals is to hold a position of sacred trust with the Master. The Masters expect the portals to be revered, respected and cared for.
These portals are made by the Masters first to assist you in your ascension and in your life, but also to help humanity and those in your environment. The energy from a portal can extend 10-20 metres depending on the Master and their presence, so all who enter the energy field are walking in the Master’s energy.
The crystal portals can be used to heal yourself and others. Holding the portal in a healing session in the receiving hand is enough. The Master's work through the portal to help you in your ascension, teaching, and life. You commit to them when you have a crystal portal and they make a commitment to you too.
The crystal portals are sacred. They need to be respected as this is a doorway the Masters have created. Holding a portal is like holding the Master's hand; they are present. To help the Master work, you can take the crystal portal to work, the mall, hospitals or any area where the Masters can work in a close way with humanity.
Here is the link to the store and to read more.