July 30th 2014
Another rainbow healing day in the portal - 7 Masters stepped forward, one from each ray - Mechizedek (1st ray), Jesus (2nd ray), Mother Mary (third ray), Serapis Bey (4th ray), Hilarion (5th ray), Pallas Athena (6th ray) and St Germain (7th ray). They tell me healing this week is occurring on the life ray of each person. So if you have a first ray life ray then Melchizedek will be sending you healing today, Jesus will be healing 2nd ray life rays and so on...
If you want to know your 5 rays of incarnation, we offer this as part of our Seeér services. Click here to read more.
Well I am back at the portal. Phew! I usually sleep with my astral crystal by my bed, but while I was away I found the need to just sit with it to clear my astral body through the day. I was amazed at how clear I felt within minutes of holding it.
While I was away we had an "arrival" at the portal. It is a rare event. From time to time the Masters manifest something here. It is usually a crystal, sometimes a shell, or a metal object. Once we had gold leaf all over the portal. This arrival is from Jesus - it is a portal of his energy. It is a shell, thick, white and with unusual markings. At the moment I don't know who he intends it for, but all will be revealed when he is ready, seeing it came when I was away, I suspect it is for Waireti to determine who it is for. These arrivals are always for one specific person and are very special. A gift from a Master. Too precious for words.
We have been here at the portal now for several years now, working with the Masters. Some of them are so part of who I am and what I know and do, I forget to share them, so here are a few.
- If you need emotional balance - call on St John the Baptist - my kids laugh at how their mum is a crier, and sometimes I want ot keep the emotions in check - St John has helped me on many an occasion.
- El Morya for focus - got a job to do at work and it needs all your attention - El Morya will help you keep on track. Great for those sitting an exam. A 24 hour healing with El Morya around exam time is a proven hep.
- In pain or physically sick - call on Dom Ignacio. He is the best!.
- In trouble - Jesus. He is also great at helping me find things, though I only call when I'm in need, it feels wrong to ask him for minor things.
- Kuthumi for healing the animals
- If I'm trying to cope with something that just seems too big, like grief - Hilarion. His heart is massive.
- If life is changing and you are trying to hold it together - St Germain, he will help through times of change.
- If you feel like you are walking in circles and can't find your path - then try the perfect path technique from Sanat Kumara - here is the link
- protection - Archanghel Michael, Amen Bey, Ptah
- art or any creative project - Paul the Venetian
- Healer Masters - well all of them - but the ones that stand out are - Serapis Bey, Melchizedek, Mother Mary, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Hilarion, Ganesh, Pallas Athena, St Germain.