Karma and a new technique from the Masters

Karma is a topic that has been coming up frequently over the last few weeks. Here is some clarification with the Masters’ guidance.

Karma is an automatic system of recording and payment of negative actions, speech, and thought. It is amazing really to know we are part of a universal judicial system administered by the Lords of Karma.

Karma is paid, not cleared. Karma is a debt you must pay. The karmic debt is created by your negative thoughts, speech, and actions. The lords of Karma decree the time, manner, and form of the payment. Payment is made harder by the story, dross, and stored negative energy around the event. The stored negative energy can be cleared so the payment occurs in a way that is easier to endure. Karma creation can be as little as a passing negative thought, or it can be large, like abuse.

For clearing the stored negative energy around karma we suggest Violet Flame oil. This oil will clear karmic dross and stored negative energy so the Karma comes up easily for payment by you. This speeds ascension.

Another clearing technique from the Masters

Are you sensitive to the energy of others? Or maybe you are someone who not only feels energy but also absorbs the negative energies of others? This sensitivity and receptivity can increase with ascension. For some, the clearer they become, the more receptive they become. If this is you, try this technique.

When you have a feeling, gather the feeling up, extract it from your cells, chakras, and bodies, and form it into a ball that you hold external to you. See or feel it outside of yourself. From your Sacred Heart, send it love and watch or feel the ball dissipate. Then from your Sacred Heart, send that same love to yourself. See the love filling all your bodies, cells, and chakras. Does your love start to feel like an armour?

If this is too hard for you, try sending the feeling into the flame of the Violet Flame candle. It will transmute it for you. Remember the Violet Flame candle is created by St Germain. It is created at his level of association with the Violet flame, which is far greater than anything we can produce ourselves by calling on the Flame.