From Our Diary

Mother Earth and Free books

Mother Earth and Free books

Mother EarthMany of you wonderful people are kindly helping our Mother Earth (Papatuanuku) by healing her body, clearing her energy, clearing her ley lines, and much more. Recently I had a beautiful experience with Papatuanuku (the Mother Earth).…
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A Clearing Technique

A Clearing Technique

Here we are in June. It’s a freezing day in New Zealand. The crab apples are bright red on the tree, the wild rabbits are hopping over the frost covered lawn, and the dogs are asleep in front of the fire. The Masters are close, guiding me as I si…
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The Masters can help you

The Masters can help you

Namaste,I hope all is well with you. Sometimes I ask this, and I know for many of you the answer is, ‘no life isn’t good’, ‘no I’m not well’. So how can the in dividual Masters help you and your family.First you have to ask for help. The Masters…
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