Deva Portal - your choice


This is for a portal for a Deva.

A Deva is the animating force behind nearly everything. These portals are to help you with your life, wellbeing and ascension. The Deva's energy will flow into your energy field and assist you with change. 

Which Deva is up to you to decide. We are happy to discuss which Deva is best for your needs.

There are thousands of Devas, here are a few examples -

Serenity, Joy, Lightness of Being, Courage, Love, Trust, Forgiveness, Compassion, Listening, Nurturing, Abundance, Worthiness, Remembering Past Lives, Peace and the list goes on. What do you feel you lack and need help with?

We choose the crystal that is best for the energy of the Deva. Let us know what your choice is in the notes with the order.

The crystals are quartz orbs, amethysts (about 3.5cm) and then there are various flat stones (about 3.5cm) and assorted crystal points (around 6-9cm).

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