12th December 2019

I am back at the Ascended Masters portal in New Zealand.
Recently, Tara very interestingly called the Ascended Masters portal 'special'. Waireti and I had to sit back for a minute and take that in. We agree it is a special place. The portal is for the Masters to work in. It is their link to our reality. Does anyone think their workplace is special? To us and them it just is, but we have to agree with Tara that it is a special place and the work the Masters do in their portal is of the highest level. We are honoured they are here to help humanity. We are honoured it is on our land and we have been chosen as guardians of their portal. You can read more about the Ascended Masters portal here.
Someone said in an email recently they were working at being present and living in the moment. That is something we can all work on, though it does get easier the higher we ascend. I find I am in the moment most of the time and I am nearing the 8th initiation. As Ganesh says, "New beginnings start with every breath." By living in the moment, you are present for every breath and all possible pathways. I hate planning ahead because it means I have chosen a course for the future. What potential paths have I just said no to? Living in the present also means a loss of the past. How many of you are plagued with remorse by the things you have said and done in the past? The act of memory takes you away from the present moment back into the past. What are you missing in the now by not being present?
And the future…how many of you daydream about what might be? By living in the maybes of the future, you might miss the opportunities that are here and now.
By not living in the present, there are conversations missed, connections missed, and focus is diffused and clouded. Work at being present and staying in the now. When you daydream of the future, make a conscious effort to stop. You know where you want to be. And you know where you have been, you don't need to re-live it again and again. Forgive and let go.
Watch for your new beginnings and your opportunities, they are there.