13th August 2020


This week we are looking at misconceptions about ascension, especially concerning the third eye. Next week we will look at the Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict.

Sometimes I feel like a little voice in the wilderness; I'm talking really loud, but the wind keeps taking my words away. This is what it feels like when I try and address the misconceptions of the spiritual journey. Waireti and I have passed the 8th initiation, and we see these misconceptions so clearly. Misinformation is a tool of the dark side. The foundation of misconception is so solid, we get tired of trying to chip away at it, but all we can do is speak our truth and trust some will hear us.

When we consciously step onto the ascension path, we come with knowledge baggage. These are the things we have read, things we assume, and what we have been taught. Most often, 90% of this is irrelevant and inhibits our ascension. An example of this is the assumption the third eye is an important part of ascension. Why? The sixth chakra is commonly called the third eye or the ajna chakra. It is located between the eyebrows. Many people, in their meditations, concentrate on this one chakra and ignore the other six. Many link the third eye with ‘sight’ and seeing clairvoyantly - seeing auras, spirit, guides, Masters, angels etc. Not so. These gifts of sight are connected to the pineal gland which resides within the centre of the head. The third eye is the chakra of inspiration, intuition, inner knowing, and spiritual vision (such as receiving in meditation). Higher communication and higher knowledge are associated with the crown chakra.

The third eye is no more important than any of the other chakras. The base, heart, and crown chakras are the stability chakras. These three chakras are meant to hold space for the more volatile other four chakras, of which the third eye is one. When we concentrate on one chakra, we throw the chakra system out of balance, and this slows ascension. A speedy ascension will see all chakras balanced in terms of light, both individually and collectively. This means we want to see the same amount of light in each chakra, and the chakra radiating that light in balance. We ascend in life, not by ignoring life and focusing on what are perceived as the spiritual centres.

Knowledge baggage affects our perceptions. One example is wanting the third eye to be open. In the average person, all chakras are open. What people really mean, is they want the gifts they perceive go with the third eye. So, let’s get the terminology sorted. An open chakra means it's a normal size. We would be more inclined to reference a smaller chakra as closed. When a chakra is smaller in size, it is working at reduced capacity. This is not common. If any chakra is likely to be working at a reduced capacity, it is the throat chakra, not the third eye. Sometimes a chakra is large. This means the chakra is trying to compensate for two chakras that are out of alignment. This is usually the heart chakra that is oversize. Another misconception is chakras jump in and out of alignment. We don't see this; it takes months for a chakra to move out and back into alignment, and this is always due to life issues coupled with karma. The chakras don't come back into alignment until the life issue has been dealt with.

The other misconception many people carry is that the Higher Self is reached via external means like a guide or Ascended Master. The true Higher Self is found via the internal Sacred Heart and Holy Heart route. So much is written about the importance of the Higher Self by others, but in truth, the Higher Self doesn’t start to come near until you pass the 5th initiation and then definitely after the 6th initiation. Prior to that, the Higher Self passes you into the keeping of the Ascended Masters, and then at the 6th initiation, the Masters hand you back to the Higher Self and the Masters leave.So, if you want to ascend easily, go not to the Higher Self but to the Ascended Masters in your 5 ray team. That is their purpose - to help you in life, so you can ascend in life.

Books, newsletters, channelings, and the internet all bring a confusing amount of contradictory information. All I can say to you is, as you sit and wonder about your own misconceptions, be discerning. Follow your inner guidance. Be open to change and don't feed your ego.