13th June 2018
Hello, I hope you are enjoying the new website.
Have you noticed the currency can be changed in the store from the default New Zealand currency to US, Euro, Canadian, and UK? Just look in the upper left hand corner to do this.
St. John the Baptist met me in the portal this morning to present all those on the free Ascension healing list. I had a busy day, so instead of entering at the usual time of 9am, I walked over at 7am. I asked St. John if he was the only Master for the day and his response had me laughing, "Well, you aren't usually this early, the others haven't arrived yet." Why do I assume the Masters will be available on my timetable? LOL. St. John was joined by Melchizedek and they accepted all of the people I presented. If that was you, don't worry. They really do start on their time, not mine.
Waireti has taken on the House Blessings and Clearing sessions. She said she enjoys seeing the energy clear and change in people's homes. It gives her a feeling of satisfaction.
If you are a return customer and have issues logging in with this new website, I can do a reset, which I couldn't before. Upgrades are wonderful!
We have two original Ascended Master portal paintings for sale. Mother Mary (as shown above with the graphic) and St. Germain. The previous holder of these portals is an artist herself and has asked that they find new homes for personal reasons. I suspect Mother Mary and St. Germain were pushing her towards this and want to go somewhere where they can contribute to the healing of humanity.
The portal paintings (available as cards and prints) were painted by the Masters via me, Verna Maruata, by utilizing my double crown chakra. This allowed Verna to stand aside and the Masters to step in to create these portals. Four identical portal paintings were created by each of the 22 Masters. There are no more. These portal paintings are spread around the world.
If you are interested in being a holder for the Master’s portal, email me. These will be excellent for healers and for places of healing and change.
Blessings on your week ahead.