15th November 2018

Serapis Bey and St Germain painted the portal violet and white for this week's healing session. Waireti presented everyone on the free ascension healing list to the Masters. I can feel a sense of glee coming from St Germain. He showed me a rose in full bloom. It was beautiful. He explained the rose has to go through growth and change to become so beautiful. Today they were giving healing to support the change and growth that comes with ascension.
We can't ascend and stay the same. It isn't possible. We have to let go of so much. If we hold onto old ways of being, thinking, acting and even reacting, then nothing changes and ascension is still something that is in the future. Once we accept change, then we start to grow as people and become more heart based in everything we say, think, and do.
Don't think there is an end to change, we ascend higher and higher, it is amazing how much continues to rise up for clearing. Patterns of behaviour and patterns of thinking show themselves again and again till the light bulb goes off. Ego often prevents us from seeing what is right in front of us.
It takes great courage to look at self in truth and accept change needs to happen.
So how can the Ascended Masters help you get to this place of accepting change and actively engaged in the process of change.
We suggest the following
- St Germain oil for change
- Deva of courage oil
- Deva of letting go oil
These oils can all be found in our store.
For those of you who are anti-oil. The oil is applied and after 10 seconds the energy is absorbed into the chakras and the residual oil can be wiped away.
I have to confess I am obsessed with my 2nd ray shawl. In the last few days I have taken to wearing it all the time. It's like I can't get enough of it. This is because the shawl holds the purity of the ray giving me clarity and focus. I just feel right wearing it. This is the same for all the various ray shawls.
If you know your ascension ray - provided in our free ascension ray and Master reading, or via your 5 ray reading then definitely look at our ray shawls. If you know all your rays and are not sure which is best for you, we suggest both the life ray and ascension ray shawls as they can be worn together. If you only want one, then decide which area you want the greatest clarity - ascension or life.