17th October 2019

Namaste, meaning, I bow to the god and goddess within each of you.
These continue to be times of change around the world. I see old patterns and old energies coming up to be looked at and re-accessed on a worldwide scale. I see these changes reflected in the people around me and who I come in contact with. This is hard when we rely on those old patterns to sustain our perceived well-being. It is time to look at the old patterns and re-access how we act in the world, how we see the world, and how we feel about the world. This takes courage. But it is better to do it now than to be left behind as the world moves towards a new paradigm.
I am happy to announce Waireti is bringing back the House Clearing and Blessing service. Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters White Tara, Ptah, and Amen Bey will clear your home or retail premises to a cellular level, clearing all negative energy, entities, and energy visitors. The Masters will then give a blessing on the property.
Waireti is also taking on the creation of Crystal Portals with the Ascended Masters. In the Ascended Masters’ portal, the Masters make crystal portals for their energy to flow throughout to humanity. They ask Waireti to find the perfect crystal for them to create their portal in, which she does. To own one of these Sacred portals is to hold a position of sacred trust with the Master. These are powerful tools for the Masters to work with humanity.
If you feel called to be a Holder of one of these Sacred crystal portals and to assist a Master in their work, sit in meditation to see which Master is calling to you. Then fill out our contact form with your request and send us your photo. Waireti will get back to you after she talks with the Master.