17th September 2020

Here we are back again. Waireti and I took some time off last week for some R and R. The photo is of Mt. Taranaki in the North Island. We stopped to walk along the beach, and there it was, looking magnificent. I just had to share the image with you all.
You will all be pleased to know NZ Post is finally adding tracking to their parcel post. Tara will be emailing you your tracking information for all orders place from next week. Unfortunately, NZ Post see the need to increase their prices by NZ$5 to support this. Our set rate for shipping will mirror this increase.
We have a new 8th Ray Master loaded to the website - Yukon. You can read more about her and her work at the link, just scroll to the bottom of the page. Her aura is geometric, which is unusual. It makes for a stunning graphic too. It is the most complicated one I have created yet. She invites you all to enter her aura.
These are hard times for us all. I have low level anxiety all the time. I can see the battle between light and dark, and this battle rolls over into our friends, family, and loved ones. But as a wise woman said to me today, "We just have to keep lighting up the world." It doesn't get more clear than that. As hard as these times are, we need to shine our light so that light spreads and helps to raise the vibration of these times.
I've been answering a few questions lately and one we get periodically is, "What products do Waireti and I use?" What we use now since the 8th initiation is much different from what we used pre-5th initiation. We don't use products now to ascend but to make our lives easier. I was surprised when comparing our lists that they were nearly identical.
At the top of our lists are healing shawls. We have been using them since their inception. I am loading a new group over the next few days. They are still oversize but a softer weave.
Then we both agree we wouldn't be without our astral and emotional body clearing crystals. They keep the respective bodies clear and that makes life easier.
We also use Violet Flame spray and Violet Flame cream to clear energy and the cellular memory. The Violet Flame cream is great for pain. And we use Violet Flame spray on the crystal portals, in a room, after a healing session, and in our aura. Pre-5th initiation we used Violet Flame oil on the chakras to clear the dross.
We both use the roll-on for pain and headaches. And our own Personalised oil from the Masters.
The difference is that I use my Ray shawl daily, I use the sleep roll-on and spray, and I wouldn't be without my daily dose of Grounding oil, and Rescue spray. So, you can see we fully believe in the benefits of using the products the Masters created in the Ascended Masters’ portal, we wouldn't be without them.