1st June, 2016

Each week we present those on the free ascension healing list to which ever Ascended Masters step forward to take this weekly ascension healing. This weeks Ascended Masters were Hilarion, Ganesh and Ptah. Waireti said the portal was silent. This weeks session was about healing the mind.

It is so common to see and experience confused thinking when on the ascension path. I see it all the time, I have experienced it myself, as has Waireti. Let's call it the ascension mind. There comes a time when the gifts of seeing, feeling and knowing bring in vibrations that don't serve our highest good. These vibrations become a story not quite of reality and this story can then plummet us into a place of confusion. Don't judge those you know who may be experiencing this, or even yourself. Just help them to find their footing again in a loving and supportive way.

After the three 5th ray Masters, Hilarion, Ptah and Ganesh had finished their part of the session Dom Ignacio stepped forward and sung those on the healing list into mental balance. His singing was very deep, I felt it as a vibration in my head and down into my jaw.

The new healing we recently introduced with Dom Ignacio for balancing and harmonising all the bodies has been a huge success. Many have reported shifts and a balance within their life that is tangible. Waireti has noted several had leaps in paying karma off quickly in the days following the session.

I have been working away with the Masters each week doing a few more aura paintings of the Masters. As they are complete I add them into the section in the website on the Masters auras. You can find them in the drop down Masters menu under Ascended Masters aura colours. Still a lot more to do though.

Ganesh's portal painting above is free to print at the following link in 300dpi - Ganesh portal painting

