27th November 2019

Last week was full on with the birth of our second grandchild. It is a joy to see a new life starting.Yet when we look at the complete picture, this new life is just another life in this soul’s cycle of reincarnation. The cycle of rebirth continues.
To be reborn, all babies will have gone through a death. As we are rejoicing somewhere in the world, there is grief as this soul’s journey ended to be reborn again.
For some souls, the cycle is last breath out and first breath in. They have no rest and the change is sudden and traumatic. Others have a break between lives. Some people, especially the elderly and traumatized, need a rest.
The reason the Ascended Masters, their portal, Waireti, and I (Verna Maruata) are here is to help you leave the cycle of rebirth. We have the statistics to prove our success. Of those who have gone through our healings with the Masters, used the Master's oils ,and have returned to us for updates on their readings, we can confirm 176 have passed the 4th initiation (31 in the last 6 months), 119 have passed the 5th and 6th initiation, and 39 have passed the 7th initiation.
In these times, I'm not happy with giving vague promises; I want you to know our success at helping people ascend and leave the cycle of rebirth. Some of these people can be seen on their independent website www.theascendinginitiates.com