4th May 2016

This week Waireti presented those on the free ascension healing list to the Ascended Masters in the portal. Within the Ascended Masters portal in New Zealand its multidimensional nature is evident in the healing temple. When we stand in the portal, out feet are on the solid earth of this reality and yet we are transported into beautiful temple. As we stand there we present one by one, those on the healing list to the Masters, and they too are brought into the healing temple. (This happens with the paid sessions as well). We bring the people to the Masters, not the Masters to the people. Todays Ascended Master healers were Melchizedek, Serapis Bey, Mother Mary and Ganesh. Waireti said it looked like the Masters were blending the energies of each person. I went into the portal later to ask exactly what they were doing. Retrieval. They were bringing back to each person parts of their being that were left behind in various past lives and in this life. Moving forward means moving forward in a complete whole way, soul and energies united back into a single unit.

We are slowly upgrading the website. You can see some of the changes on our Meet the Masters page. Much easier to use and more eye catching with all the Masters portal paintings up front. Some of the links aren't working but we are getting there. And of course we are now smart phone responsive. I'm told 50% of people using the internet now do it via their phone. Wow. And in keeping with these social trends I am trying to be more active on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Those links if you are interested are at the bottom of the page in the footer.

We now have 72 people have passed the 4th initiation with the Ascended Masters here at the portal and 27 have passed the 5th. That last hurdle from 4th to 5th can take some perseverance. Relax into the process, rejoice when the karma comes up for clearing and acknowledge its passing without attaching a story. The story creates anchors that can hold you back.

The portal paintings we show in Meet the Masters are actual paintings. When the Masters painted them through me they did four copys of each painting. It would be one brush stroke repeated 4 times over four canvas, not four paintings done one after the other. I kept one of each portal painting and the others were sold to holders. This helped the Masters to ground their energy into the physical so they could from there start to build the Ascended Masters portal. One of the people who is a holder of one of the four White Tara original portal painting has approached me asking if I can onsell on her behalf. She is not in good health and knows it is time for someone else to step forward for this position of sacred trust. She is asking for offers over NZ$400. The White Tara painting is above.

I also have crystal portals of Jesus and St Germain just come out of the Ascended Masters portal. If you are interested email me.