7th May, 2014 - Angels, Sanat Kumara and Joy

Healing day once more - when I stepped into the portal there were two groups of Masters - the 2nd ray Masters of Jesus, Lord Lanto and Kuthumi standing to one side and on the other by herself, White Tara. I was told all those stepping forward today would go either to White Tara of the 2nd ray Masters - as i presented each person, the Masters stepped forward to claim people - in several cases both teams stepped forward, a little conversation occurred and then the person would go to one of the teams. Discussion occurs even at the highest levels it appears.

I woke the other morning aware of the arrival of a huge white angel on the lawn. He was so white he sparkled, as I drew close to have a better look at him he showed me his body was as white as his wings, then he showed me his dark hair. I didn't get a name, but then I am reminded of the thousands of angels in each host and all the different hosts. How can we expect to know them? There are as many angels as there are people on the planet. He then proceeded to work with my Higherself.

Which then leads me onto the next visit - I was over at the neighbours and took a short cut home through the apple orchard, only to know Sanat Kumara wanted me in the portal. Again it wasn't me but my Higherself he actually wanted in the portal. Haha.  No room for ego at the portal.

I've had several emails this week from people sharing their ascension process, the highs, the lows, the understandings, the process. No one expected an answer. I'm happy for them to do this for it allows they to freely talk in a safe way of what is occurring for them - nothing right or wrong, just that is happening. The writing and the emailing also adds to the realisation this is real and it's happening to me. This is a joy to me - for I get to watch the process of people ascending. I see their hearts open, and the revelation of their light from the mire of dross and karma. What a joy!

We also have some new healing shawls in the store - some are cotton, hand printed with organic vegetable dye. The others are viscose - very pretty. We also have some cashmere/wool blend ones coming online soon and some throws. We have also upgraded the website so you can put your cursor over the individual photos and get a close up image. I am slowly adding these new photos for the regular products and crystal portals - you can see the Isis portal up close and some of the shawls - here are some examples. Isis crystal portal click here and shawl click here.