7th November 2014

Wednesday saw Ganesh and Hilarion sharing the healing list. This was a general healing session. So the Masters looked at you all individually (if you were on the healing list) and cleared and healed something they felt could leave your energy field.

Hilarion has just cleared up for me an issue that has bothered me and others for sometime. I sometimes get a pushing feeling on the top of my head, like a weight is pushing down - it's Hilarion! A new way of saying he is closer and coming closer.

We can have many Masters with us in these times. I would like to make clear the difference between the Masters you work with and the ray Masters. The ray Masters are there for you and only you - they are with you to help you with your ascension, soul ray lessons and life lessons. These are not the Masters usually who you may work with in your healing practises, readings, channellings etc.Though the your ray Master might be the Master someone else works with.  So when you ask us for your Ascension Master (soul ray Master) we are giving you the name of the Master who is there to help you in your ascension. So please don't be concerned when this is not the Master you work with in your healing or reading practise. Once you know the name of your ascension Master - open your heart to the Master and welcome them. This simple practise will strengthen the link between you both. Don't be concerned if this is a Master you don't know or haven't heard of. The Ascension Masters are a select few, only 38 or so have stepped forward for this unique service.

In my emails I have the line "Claim your divinity, not your humanity." This line was given to me by Serapis Bey - the Master of harmony through conflict. An apt line, for we as humans battle most with ourselves - we judge ourselves for our humanity, we berate ourselves for our humanity. We by our very nature are human, we are fallable. We will have emotions, we will have negative thoughts - not one of us is perfect or will ever be perfect in this human form. The divinity within us is not this physical being but rather our Higher Self and on a deeper level our Christ Light. The Masters are asking us to claim our potential and not focus on that which we cannot change. Our humanity will always be our limitation. So be kind to yourself, as you ascend, you will have kinder thoughts, the love will rise in you and emanate out, the joy will bubble up as you ascend - but you will still experience anger, grief, suffering and negative thoughts. Be kind to yourself and others when you or they act, speak or think in a way you feel is not worthy of the aspirations of divinity. We cannot escape our humanity, for it is our training ground towards perfection, it provides the battlefield of knowing right from wrong and light from dark.

Many of you are experiencing anger as you ascend. Anger is a pure emotion. It is an emotion of truth. There are four pure emotions - anger, joy, sadness and fear. So don't berrate yourself for feeling in truth - though to act negatively on any emotion (pure or otherwise) usually means we are creating karma. So again be kind to yourself for having human feelings, the battle ground is how you deal with what arises within you.

We have a new selection of healing shawls online - light and soft wool, cashmere, cotton, modal and silk. A few are light enough to be worn as scarves when out and about. And there are two new crystal portals - a St John the Baptist crystal portal Waireti calls "exquisite energy". And a Melchizedek crystal portal which we both admit is "powerful".

The Masters have completed removing entities from the North Island of New Zealand and move to the top of the South Island. They have started new teams working in Texas, in the US. They have cleared entities from the earth in the west of Texas in the region of the city of El Paso.