8th October, 2014


Everytime I see this little smiling face all I think of is Joy!

Joy one of the aspect of the 2nd ray. So I was a surprise to see Ares - god of War, a 2nd ray cosmic Master, appear front and centre for this weeks healing. How can a god of War, with so much power be so gentle and so full of joy? The 2nd ray is the yellow ray of Wisdom, Joy and Lightness of Being. It's the fun ray. It shows me historical titles can so misrepresent the Being. Ares colours are yellow and silver. Silver is the masculine side of divininty, just as gold is the feminine side of divininty. Those receiving healing on wednesday got a shake up. He showed me his vibration moving through those needing healing. It caused the cells of all bodies to vibrate faster and so release unwanted dross.

Today there are many many Ascended Masters gathering in the portal today. They are waiting for someone, like a line of reception. Little conversations here and there. And my head is about to explode, always a sign a cosmic master approaches or is in the portal.

The Masters continue their Service with Waireti and myself to clear all the land based entities from New Zealand. By this Saturday we are told all areas north of Hamilton except for Auckland will be clear of land entities. After New Zealand is complete we move to Texas in the USA to clear the land there. If you want to help us with this project, we need grided road maps of each state - regardless of the country - Australia, United Kingdom, North America, South America, Russia, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, India etc. It is the grid in the map that is important, so we can mark each sector off as the Masters clear. They are doing good work.

Waireti and I are experiencing the ascension symptom of tiredness at the moment. Not just "plug pulled" tired, but a feeling the body is too heavy. Opening our eyes is an effort. There are many ascension symptoms - but at the base of all these symptoms is the battle of the physical body to keep up with the rising vibrations as we ascend. Our bodies are designed for a physical reality and so struggle with ascension. The higher we ascend the harder it becomes for our physical bodies. The physical body is the temple for the Higher Self at the 6th initiation, prepare it well.

blessings on your week... may the love of the Masters suround you.