8th October, 2015

For those new to my weekly diary, we have free ascension healing each Wednesday here at the Ascended Masters portal in Zealand. The Masters heal on topics that affect your ascension. This week Waireti presented the people on the healing list one by one to the Masters. She said it was an amazing experience this week. She stepped into the portal and Melchizedek stepped forward. He was last weeks healer too. And then she said the Masters just kept stepping forward - Lord Lanto, Mary Magdalene, Serapis Bey, Ganesh, Pallas Athena and St Germain. I've just realised that is a Master from each of the first 7 rays. And then Waireti said Dom Ignacio and Archangel Michael appeared and started to sing. She said she was transported away, the energy was just so beautiful.

So what was this weeks healing addressing - nothing at all! Except for each person to be encased in the love of the Masters and to be the focus for their love. Love. Know you are loved by the Masters, know you are loved. Regardless of who you are, where you are, what you have done or if you were on the healing list or not. You are loved. Loved without agenda, without purpose, without reason. You are loved and you are worthy of that love.

And if for any reason you have read this and feel you aren't worthy, then just stop it, because you are worthy. The Masters see all and judge not.

Open your heart to the Masters so their love can flow into you with ease.