9th July, 2015

St John the Baptist, Thomas Merton and Mother Mary were this weeks Ascended Master healers for the Wednesday free ascension healing. Each week the Masters have focus for the session. This week they looked at the links between lower self, Higher Self and Christ Light and did some clearing around these for each person.

The exchange rate is great at the moment for those living in the States - NZ$1 is about US0.68c - a good time to be buying healing shawls for Xmas presents.

Thank you to those of you who made suggestions for the new website. The store will be revamped, there will be a facility to create and account and log in - so much easier for return purchasing. And of course the so important mobile and tablet compatible.

The changes will also mean a greater focus on ascension.

Waireti and I are going through the process of the 7th initiation at the moment. It is a vastly different initiation than previous initiations. There will be a write up after the initiation is over. I can tell you to date, the 7 major chakras have gone from the system and the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras have moved into the body. So we are coping with a change in system as well as the initiation.

Sorry for the short diary entry. Love to you.