10th December 2020

10th December 2020

Namaste,Compassion is unconditional love with understanding. Have you experienced unconditional love or compassion within yourself?Look at the portal of the Deva of Love and the portal of the…
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December 3rd 2020

December 3rd 2020

Namaste,We have loaded new healing shawls and a lovely soft pink Third Ray shawl in the store. Come and have a look.This week we conclude our series on the rays with the Seventh Ray. The Seventh Ray…
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26th November 2020

26th November 2020

Namaste,This week we want to address the feeling of hate. Many are having intense negative feelings, regardless of where they are in their ascension process. For those of you who see yourselves as l…
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12th November 2020

12th November 2020

Namaste. I bow to the Higher Being within you, a being of Light.Yes, we all have a higher being of Light that is part of us, who holds us close, and watches over us. This is our Higher Self.Today…
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5th November 2020

5th November 2020

Namaste, I hope all is well with you.Sometimes we need to come back to our basics. For us at the portal, that is and will always be the Ascended Masters. They are around us so much they are part of…
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29th October 2020

29th October 2020

We witnessed a lovely visit in the Ascended Masters’ portal from the Ascended Master St. Anthony of Padua. He hasn't been around for maybe 10 years, so it was a surprise to us when he returned to wo…
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22nd October 2020

22nd October 2020

The Sixth Ray is the ray of the goddess and devotion. In many past lives, each of us have honoured and worshiped the goddess in one of her many forms. Those on the ruby aspect of the ray embrace t…
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14th October 2020

14th October 2020

Namaste, I hope you are well. Recently I have been introducing some new Ascended Masters. These are the Higher Selves of those who have passed the 7th and 8th initiations. The lower self (the person…
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1st October 2020

1st October 2020

This is a downloaded teaching on death from the Ascended Masters. It is my wording.When people die who haven't reached the 5th initiation and are still on the cycle of rebirth, they go back into…
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24th September 2020

24th September 2020

Today I want to honour two of those who have been Ascending with us and who sadly this week left this earth plane. One was months away from reaching the 7th initiation and the other was months from…
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17th September 2020

17th September 2020

Here we are back again. Waireti and I took some time off last week for some R and R. The photo is of Mt. Taranaki in the North Island. We stopped to walk along the beach, and there it was, looking m…
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Fifth Ray week

Fifth Ray week

This week we continue the series on the Rays with the 5th Ray and the Masters of that ray. Before we get started, I put up a diary post mid-week. A group in Canada have a Chananda portal. Their wor…
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