April 1st 2016

April, spring and autumn for the north and southern hemispheres. We are in a state of change here at the portal, which goes hand in hand with April. Change a 7th ray energy. One of the owners of the portal land passed away this week. On one hand, we are happy she has gone to a non 3d reality and but also sad that she has left our lives. Waireti especially grieves her friend of many many years. As we sat by her bed, Waireti watched her soul seat download all its past lives into the Earth Star, and she watched all the karma download into the Earth Star, and then she watched her consciousness leave through her head. Her Earth Star will now store all her karma and past lives till she is ready to be reborn back into body for another life. When this occurs her past lives and karma will upload into your new soul seat and chakras. The personal and impersonal of death.

The Ascended Master healers in this weeks free ascension healing were in the order they presented themselves, El Morya, Cha Ara and Mother Mary. Mother Mary's energy was huge, her angelic origin shinning brightly.  This week the three Masters worked as a single unit - focus-healing-love as One. So this week those of you on the healing list got a major dose of healing. They show me each person wrapped in a spiral of green, blue and pink. 

As you can see the graphic above says "Expect miracles". And that is what life is like at the Ascended Masters portal here in New Zealand.

Many of you visit the website and don't realise all that manifests here on the website is connected to the Ascended Masters and their portal. The portal is a unique creation of high vibration, created by the Ascended Masters for themselves and their work with humanity. This portal is for them and them alone to work with humanity. The portal brings the Masters closer to humanity, and from the portal they are able to connect in ways they never have before. In the portal they can manifest and bring into creation what the laws of the universe allow them to. There is no other portal like this in the world. This portal is created of the Father and brought down to earth by 108 Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters, Elohim, Archangels and Devas in union with the Mother.

All the oils we have available here on the website are created in the portal by the Masters. All the Ascension Flame oils, grounding oil, the specific Master oils, Deva oils, chakra oils - are all part of the wonderful miracles that occur here. Miracles in that these are unique vibrations not found anywhere else and are created by the Masters hand. Healings that occur here at the portal occur within the Masters vibration, within the high vibration of the portal. These are not channeled sessions. I (Verna) and Waireti have the gift of being able to transport you energetically into the portals healing temple, there the Masters work on you directly. Our job is to bring you here and hold you here during the session. The Masters do the healing not us. There is no channeling. We also have the task of buffering you while you are in the temple so your vibration can withstand the Masters energy.We serve the Masters and their work with humanity. When you are brought to the Ascended Masters portal during one of the healings we have on offer via the website, you are being brought to a Sacred place, a Holy place. We are bringing you into a place of miracles.

Don't confuse the ascension temple and its vibration, which the Masters have created for humanity to use, with the high vibration of the portal the Masters work in.

Now to something else. One of those who has passed the 6th initiation has approached me to onsell an item on her behalf. She has moved from the 5th ray to the 3rd ray and no longer feels she needs this item and this has been confirmed by the Master. In the early days of the portal Cha Ara  (5th ray Master and see last weeks diary entry) created a link to this crystal, a bit like a phone line. It isn't a crystal portal more a connection device to bring the Master in close. Cha Ara tells me this is an excellent tool for healers to use in their healing practise. Remember Cha Ara is on the 5th ray the healing ray.

So if you feel drawn to this crystal and to Cha Ara just email me at admin@alphaimaging.co.nz. An exchange of NZ$80 is requested by the holder.