Archive all of 2010 and 2011

This archive is from 17th May 2010 to January 12th 2012 - I suggest you start at the bottom and work your way up

18th January, 2012

I hope those of you who meditated with Master Jesus yesterday enjoyed the experience. Feedback on some of the experiences devolved around Devotion.. Devotion to the Christ Light. So in light of this I am re-posting an entry from January of last year... 
 In the portal I received a teaching from Master Jesus. It is always a joy when one of these come. He spoke about the Christ Light ( the I Am presence, the god within, the Monad ). If you remember his last teaching at Easter was also on this topic. He had me connect to my Christ Light and sit with it. He then asked me to look at the 96 Ascended Masters in the portal, all standing in quiet silence. He told me they all were one with their Christ Light and stood in devotion to this higher aspect of themselves. He then asked me to send love to the Christ Light of all the Masters. As I did, I felt the love returned and saw the unity of all these Christ Lights. Master Jesus then asked me to send love to the Christ Light of someone I wasn't particularly fond of. It was very easy. He reminded me that every single person in creation has a Christ Light. Look not at the personality, but at the true Being behind the person in a body. Send your love not to the personality but to the Christ Light, for then you will find you can love all very easily.
He also told me this was one of his teachings removed from the bible - when he said Love each other as I have loved you - this is what he meant. We can only guess at why this teaching was removed from the bible. But what a different world it would be if for the last 2000 years we had all loved in this way.
In my own meditations with Jesus yesterday, he showed me who the Ascended Master and his teacher in his Jesus life time. 2000 years ago, Jesus had Melchizedek as his Master and teacher. Jesus was a first ray soul in that life. He then showed me in the life he ascended, he had a Chinese Ascended Master Teacher. In that life Jesus was a 2nd ray soul. Looking at the Master,  at first I thought it was Lord Lanto, but no, it was someone else. It was a  Master I didn't recognise at first as he shows himself today mostly in his Moses incarnation, but it was Lord Ling. 
Lord Ling is a second Master. He was Moses is a previous incarnation. When he appears as Moses he is working as a first ray Master. It can get quite complicated. 
Lord Ling is known as the Master of Joy - and was latter conferred the status "god of Happiness". A quality Jesus posses as Master of the 2nd ray.
So for those of you who have Melchizedek as your Master, know he has been administering to the ascension of humanity for well over 2000 years. 

16th January, 2012

For those of you who follow this diary, you will recall I have spoken many times of the 96 Ascended and Cosmic Masters, Devas and Elohim who have created and work in the Ascended Masters portal. Over the last few days once more, they gave the portal an upgrade. The portal continues to grow in strength and power. Those of us here suffered the usual headaches and experienced an ongoing powerful flow of energy through our system. So much so my body twitched for hours. Not a comfortable time.

22 Masters identified themselves to me as participating in the changes - they are a powerful group. Here are some of them - Lakshmi... Ganesh... Sarasvati... Susan'oo... Kuan Ti... Freya... Ninquerre... Chananda and then closer to home Yogananda and Thomas Merton.

The new level of power in the portal continues and will take some time to get used to.

12th January, 2012

The Lady Masters presided over yesterdays healing - Pallas Athena,  Lady Nada, Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary. They specifically address the issues residing in all being healed around wounded mother and wounded child - from this life and previous.

I want to address the issue of ascension having received questions about it. This is my take on it as made clear in my awareness many years ago.

We were created in the heart of God. God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. This process is ascension. 

Ascension is not something that happens over the next few years and stops. The journey of ascension has been occurring for us with each life we have lived. During some lives we amass karma and our progress forward is stalled, but for the most part we ascend in our vibration. Once we have become Master over our physical lives and have stepped off the cycle of rebirth, this doesn't mean the ascension journey is over - there are higher and higher planes for us to Master - till such time when we are perfected Beings and can return to the source. 

10 January, 2012

Sanat Kumara is sitting in meditation in the portal, if you want to connect with him to meditate. We were discussing here at the portal what he looks like.  To me he always takes on the appearance a man in his early 50's with a bald head, with a dark olive complexion. To one of the ladies here he has some hair, but we agree on the rest. (Very different from the young blonde, blue eyed version that is commonly shown). I see him today wearing a white robe of the softest cotton, there is much material and it gathers together in great folds, falling softly, open to the waist. Over his left shoulder he has a pale blue pashmina. He sits, cross legged, in deep meditation. 

9th January, 2012

Many of you reading this diary entry will channel the Masters. I am aware that for many this can be a tiring experience. 

Amen Bey, Ptah and Lakshmi have me working in the portal with them today. They utilise my second crown chakra to work in ways that are unique to them. This means large amounts of energy are moving through my body. 

Jesus gave me a technique many years ago to limit the effects of the channel. When the energy is flowing into the body, see the cells of your body, and see the null space between them - now see the cells moving apart and the null space becoming bigger. See the energy from the Master flowing through the null space. This means you will be able to cope with larger amounts of energy too.

Tomorrow, Tuesday is meditation day in the Ascended Masters portal. Sanat Kumara will lead the meditation tomorrow. This is a distant mediation, so you can join in from your place in the world. Read more on our front page, and from there get the connection technique. I suggest you use theSanat Kumara portal card to ensure your connection is true.

5th Janaury, 2012

Lord Lanto presided over Tuesdays healing. Many of you reported heart expansion and peace. He really is a lovely Master to meditate with. Next Tuesday is Sanat Kumara.

The healing this Wednesday was a Lady Master day - Pallas Athena, Lady Nada, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. They work well as a unit.

I am emailed many questions each week, and sometimes it feels my laptop and I are glued together. 

Here is a very common question I was asked several times. "Whats the difference between an Ascended Master and a Cosmic Master?" Both have lived lives on a planet and ascended through their own efforts, balanced their karma, raised their vibration and thereby their consciousness to such a state that they no longer have to return on the cycle of rebirth. Once they take the 5th initiation they are officially Ascended Masters, having become Master of themselves and their soul has merged into their own Christ Light.  As an Ascended Master they then wear the badge of honour, a white band on the edge of their aura. (hence the term White Brotherhood) The newer the Master the wider the band. As the Masters continue to ascend, and further initiations are passed the white band decreases in width till it disappears completely, and the master attains the term Cosmic Master. A Cosmic Master is less concerned with individuals, and more concerned with universal issues and with humanity as part of the 
Universal One. By the time this occurs, for many their names are either forgotten in time, or they have been given god and goddess status. Many of the Cosmic Masters also have had origins on other planets. Their auras take on a luminescent and translucent appearance and the brightest being of such intensity it is hard to look on them.

1st January, 2012

A new year begins. 

The 96 Ascended Masters, Deva's,  god's, goddesses and Archangels connected with the Ascended Masters portal are all slowly making crystal portals of themselves to be used here at the portal. The latest crystal portal was made by Paramahansa Yogananda. Another newbie to the long list of Ascended Masters. Several of us have sat with it and all can hear music, for me it was singing, for another it was toning - but we all agree it is a beautiful and powerful crystal portal. He is a 2nd ray Master, the yellow ray of wisdom. 

Anyone visiting the portal is welcome to sit with any of the Ascended Master portals.

The list is up for the next few masters to preside at the Tuesday meditations. Go to the home page to read more if you are interested.
Here is the timetable for the next 4 weeks -
Tuesday January 3rd – Lord Lanto
Tuesday January 10th - Sanat Kumara
Tuesday January 17th - Jesus
Tuesday January 24th - St Germain

30th December, 2011

An artist in Dubai is painting the Ascended Masters and archangels - I am supplying the aura colours. I thought you all would like to know the aura colours of the Archangels too.

Archangels auras are all the brightest of white. At the edge of the aura they have a line of colour which is subtle and translucent .

michael – turquoise blue
Jophiel – yellow
Chamuel – baby pink
Gabriel – white
Raphael – mid green
Uriel – gold
Zadkiel – violet
Archangel of the 8th ray – translucent rainbow

I hope you all enjoyed the meditation day with Hilarion and then healing day led by Dom Ignacio and the 3rd ray Masters of unconditional love. 

Its been a ladies week in the portal, with the trio of Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Kuan Yin working together putting their arms around humanity - sending love and speaking their love.

23rd December, 2011

The Masters have asked me to add to my article on  "Connecting to the Ascended Masters using the Torus Technique"  regarding meditation on a Tuesdays and participating in a united group meditation. Just scroll to the bottom of the article for the additional information.

It is an interesting technique to learn also for your own meditation groups as it focuses the power of the group as a single unit. Click here to read the article.

I came to the end of my 4th bottle of Grounding oil today. Since my operation, a month ago,Grounding oil and Violet Flame oil have been my main oils - Along with my Dom Ignacio portal card and crystal portal. 

The Grounding oil I realized has made me more present to this entire healing experience, and because of this made me even more aware of the needs of my physical body and its healing process. 

Some people are of the belief one bottle of Grounding oil and you are grounded for life. Sorry to disappoint you. Grounding oil is something that has to be applied daily - and preferably twice a day as it lasts in the system for about 6 hours. Click here to read more.

22 December, 2011

 Yesterday’s healing in the Ascended Masters portal was very interesting. St Germain and the 7th ray Masters resided assisted by Ascended Master Hilarion and some of the 5th ray Master Healers.

The 7th ray is about change – transmutation, transformation. 

St Germain showed me 7 concentric circles, or rather torus. They were layered vertically, so they looked like a funnel.

Every person submitted for healing on Wednesday, entered the top torus and then was moved by the Ascended Master healers up and down the 7 tori. 

St Germain showed me the tori were dimensional, and each had their own notes, and variations of each note. 

He told me every person has their own soul song. But these songs are buried in the dross of past lives, barely audible.

This healing was about uncovering and tuning the soul song of each person. So that each of you who received healing, now has a clearer, brighter and louder soul song. This will help you in your daily life, attract to you all that assists in your life path. In all the denseness of humanity, your song can now be heard.
St Germain reminded me healing is part of ascension. The prime mission of the Ascended Masters is to help humanity in their ascension. 

If you want to be included in Wednesdays free healing email a recent photo to Verna.

20th December, 2011

Today is mediation day in the Ascended Masters portal with Serapis Bey, chohan of the 4th ray. I hope you are joining us - see the entry for the 19th below if you haven't.

I woke first at 2am for my first meditation and then again at 6, each time having a different experience with the Master - but my latest connection was beautiful in that the Master was in the deepest meditation and around him in a group torus were about 50 people. The Master sat in front of each one, and at his own place on the torus. As I linked in to everyone on the torus - divine mind, sacred heart, soul - I fell into this deep union on 3 levels - one divine mind, one sacred heart, one soul. It was very beautiful. The Master had everyone in harmony. A beautiful experience. 

The Master will continue to meditate like this all of tuesday, in all time zones. 

19th December, 2011

 Tomorrow,Tuesday,  is meditation day again here in the Ascended Masters portal. Serapis Bey will be joining with any of you who choose to meditate using the torus connection technique with him. The joy of this is that so many of you from around the world can use this technique and join with him and he with you. The Masters have proposed each Tuesday that one of them will step forward for the day, to be available for close communication and for united meditation. They want us to get to know each of them in a closer way. The list of the next few weeks is on our home page.

I have had several people buy the meditation pack in anticipation of connecting with the 22 Masters in the pack over the next 22 weeks. 

The meditation pack is really worthwhile getting, to buy each of the 22 cards at NZ$5 each comes to NZ$110 - but we offer the entire pack of 22 for NZ$80 - a saving of NZ$30.

16th December, 2011

We have had many Cosmic visitors to the portal since full moon, it is as if a door was opened - Arcturians, Sitatpatra, Amaryllis the goddess of spring (one of my favourites), the Elohim Hercules and Arcturus to name a few.

The healing day on Wednesday was a 5th ray day with the Ascended Master Hilarion presiding. For the first time we saw all of you having healing queuing for your turn with the Masters. Next Tuesday Serapis Bey leads the portal meditation.

I hope many of your enjoyed your meditation with Melchizedek on Tuesday using the Torus connection technique, with time you will find it gets easier.

I am also reminded by the Masters for those of you who are choosing to meditate in the portal energy - So as to not interfere with their highly calibrated work, and to keep the vibrations at the level they want them to be - The Masters have created a temple for you all at the edge of the portal that receives the portal energies but in no way lets the energies of those visiting the temple enter the portal. The Masters call it the Ascension Temple. So if you want to visit the portal in your meditations ask to be taken to the Ascension Temple. The energies are just beautiful, I could sit their all day in the Love. And for those trying to enter the Portal, as many do, you are redirected to the Ascension Temple.

11th December, 2011
This full moon we had 5 Cosmic Masters arrive - the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. And then 2 Beings of pure white light without too much form, more vibration and light than form. They appear to be dimensional cosmic travelers. and while all 5 were present for us to see, we know they didn't all work together, but rather worked in their 2 groups. The trinity appeared to be assisting by anchoring the energies of the Light Beings into this dimension. Today the portal feels stronger, more grounded and more solid.

10th December, 2011

The full moon here in NZ is the 11th of December at 3.36am. Less than 12 hours away. We are all watching the portal in anticipation. It is dimensionly shifting like a giant rubik cube, the energy is making us all a little sick - a bit like dimensional sea sickness. The colors are mainly metallic, gold, silver, bronze, with every other color thrown in. We watch and wait to see what is happening. 
I'd also like to direct you to our home page, the Masters have announced they are making Tuesdays their united meditation day in the portal, with a different Master presiding each Tuesday.  

 8th December, 2011
To the left you see the newest crystal portal, made by Osiris in the Ascended Masters portal. This is a most complex portal. For not only is he here to work with humanity, but he also is giving much to the individual who holds this portal. First there is the sense of power that comes through, then the deep sense of devotion and peace, then the awareness of ones own Christ Light and then an awareness of the cosmos, knowledge, past lives, healing. Frankly.. I want it. But I know it isn't for me, and so I put it up on the store. How do you know its for you? You might get a heart connection, you might get emotional, you might have a deep sense of knowing. There are many forms of reaction. 
4th December, 2011
 Some of the Masters teach in question form, knowing the answers reside within ourselves.
Here is a teaching question Ascended Master Hilarion put to one of us here at the portal.
"Is it possible to achieve perfection alone?" 
I leave you to ponder in your heart on this.  

1st December, 2011
Healing day yesterday was a blur ray day - the main Masters presenting were El Morya, St John the Baptist, Thomas Merton and Jesus. The portal was filled with the blues and greens of a paua shell (abalone). And now that healing is complete for the week the swirls are changing to pink and silver.
Sorry for the lack of writing - I have been in hospital for the last week for an operation. I'm a healthy person, I eat food grown in the portal and don't take drugs except for a headache pill a few times a year.  And suddenly, in hospital my body was pumped full of drugs - it went into shock, poor vessel. I learnt the lesson truly, of what occurs when putting vibrations into my body, that are lower than the rate it vibrates to. I could sense the low vibration of each of the drugs, and my body did its utmost to repel them from my system. Valiant fighter it is. 
It was such a joy to come home to the portal, and while my healing team was with me in the hospital, the energy of the portal was a balm to my soul. Over the next 24 hours the energy was poured into me, healing and balancing me again. 
And now I am listening to my body even more about what it needs, for it knows best and tells me quite clearly. 
While I'm abed over the next few weeks, I'll be loading some new crystal portals to the store for the Ascended Masters - Kuan Yin, Osiris, and AA Michael - to join those already there - Jesusand Kuthumi. These crystal portals anchor the Masters energy into this dimension and allow the Masters to work more effectively with humanity.

15th November, 2011
Here is some feedback from someone, of their experience during the free healing in the portal from the Ascended Masters each Wednesday.
"I just want to tell you about my incredible experience with the healing Masters  this week.  After a busy day at work, I looked forward to  the time to meditate in the privacy of my room at night.  A couple of minutes into the meditation, as I opened my heart, as you suggested, to the Ascended Masters, my third eye opened up and showed me plumes of violet, black  and white and pulsated on top of my forehead.  This vision swirled and changed shapes as the heat/energy moved through my chakras, then moved around my body.  The vision and  feeling was beyond description and I felt so grateful since this is the most vivid vision I've ever seen through my third eye.  I believe it lasted for about five minutes and this feeling left me with awe and a sense of comfort and loved. 
I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to get this close to the Ascended Master's presence and I am so grateful to the Ascended Masters for this experience and I hope and pray that this divine connection gets better and better."  USA
From NZ to USA with love from the Ascended Masters. There are no limits to their love. Open your heart to them. 
If you want to be part of the free healing each Wednesday, email me a photo.

12th November, 2011
Full moon  yesterday. The Masters always appear for a little ceremony each full moon, right on the minute of the full moon here at the portal. Yesterday Moses (aka Lord Ling) appeared and Sarasvati. Moses is a big man, barrel chest, and his 'beard is wirey, he wore silver, which is most unusual for him. Sarasvati, was her petite, elegant self.  Their message was "All life is sacred". A mantra we have repeated several times when the mosquito's buzzed. We had expected a few Masters to be in the portal for 11.11am, but they were a no show. 
 Kuthumi has made a crystal portal, in the Ascended Masters portal. Its rather lovely and emanates his loving soft energy. He is one of my heart Masters.
This portal will be perfect for one of his chelas, or someone who has a heart connection with the Master. The portal emanates his energy out into the world 24/7.  The portal is a white quartz, which is rather unusual. You can read more about it here.  

9th November, 2011
Healing day again - Jesus presides. The portal is feeling very peaceful and serene. Looking at it - there is an emerald green lotus flower filling the entire portal, encasing the outer petals is a huge clear bubble and within this is today's healing temple. Entering the portal to submit everyone for healing I am aware of a yellow energy and see the inside of the green lotus petals are yellow. So a 2nd ray healing day today. Jesus has a team of 2nd ray healers  with him.
 I have just added to our Deva oils - "Letting Go". This oil has been available for about 18 months with wonderful results -it is one of our steady sellers. Letting go is perfect for all who are in a place in their lives when an ending is near but they are having trouble bringing it about. This oil is animated by the Deva of release. She ignites the energy of letting go within you, when you use this oil.
I had a query today, a known authority in the spiritual world says Pallas Athena is a 5th ray Master,  whereas I say she is a 6th ray Master. The goddess Pallas Athena definitely isn’t a 5th ray Master -  Her aura colour’s tell the story – purple and gold. Purple, gold and ruby are the colors of the 6th ray. The confusion is probably around the concept of truth. She is historically known as the goddess of truth, and the 5th ray is known as the ray of healing, knowledge and truth. So without the full picture, it’s easy to slot her into that category. 

Our Ascended Master teacher must be on the same rays as us. I have had literally hundreds of people ask for their Master and those who have Pallas Athena with them are all 6th ray souls. The aura’s tell the story. I have never seen a 5th green soul ray person have Pallas as their teacher.

8th November, 2011
St Anthony of Padua has been in the portal over the last few days - mainly working around the blessing stone. If you see him he wears a brown monks cassock. He has curly red/copper hair - which in that type of haircut never sits well, and looks a bit dishevelled. But he says he wasn't interested in how he looked, so it didn't matter to him. His colours are blue, violet and green swirls. From my experience it appears those he is with, are those who have shared a past life with him. He is a 5th ray Master - the green ray of healing.

On the 20th of May I wrote of a Lapis pendant. The pendant is owned by one of the guardians of the portal. St John, the Baptist asked her to give the pendant to me to place in the portal. We thought he meant to bless the crystal, but instead it was dematerialised. In other words - he took it! The pendant was returned in July, but I was away from the portal and no one removed it, so it dematerialised again. Yesterday, I found it on one of the stones in the portal. Now we can't remember if its the same one or not - it looks bigger and brighter. It feels beautiful. Thank you St John. It gives us all such a lift when something arrives. 

Everyone is gearing up for 11.11. Here at the portal the Masters have not indicated the need for any gathering. So for all of you asking, I'm happy for you to come and meditate on the day / time, but
 nothing formal. Email first. 

3rd November 2011
 Yesterdays healing in the Ascended Masters portal was unusual in that there were thousands of Jewish priests praying in the portal. The aura color that imbued every cell was a dusky pink. The portal was very peaceful. 
Lots of things are happening for me at the moment, anger rising up about old unresolved issues - so I went to the Masters to ask what oil to use for anger.Kuan Yin oil was the clear response. 

2nd November 2011

Remember to open you hearts to the Ascended Masters if you are receiving healing today in the portal. This simple act improves the connection and allows the healing to have greater effect. I connect to you via the heart when I present you for healing, and the Masters take the connection at a heart level, so you opening your heart to the Masters completes the circuit. Those who open their hearts to the Masters on a Wednesday are saying they are aware of the healing and are noticing change. Perfect.

31st October, 2011

 The Ascended Master Thomas Merton came to me the other day to remind me quite insistently he wanted to make a crystal portal - not for anyone, but for use in the Ascended Masters portal and for those visiting the portal. Now for those of you who are unfamiliar with Thomas - he is one of the newer Ascended Masters having passed in 1968. He was a Trappist monk. 
Thomas showed me quite clearly how close he still was to the physical and how he remembered quite clearly his physical life. I seem to have this fantastical idea of ascension, but he showed me it was a process even after leaving the physical body, he showed me how far ahead of him many of the Masters are. He was humbled by the company he kept as they gathered around to assist him in making his first ever portal. He was learning and they were teaching. This was a big step for him and the feeling was like a child on xmas morning opening their presents. A big day of delight for him.

13th October, 2011

This healing day was a pink and white ray healing portal. The Masters present were from the 3rd and 4th ray - unconditional love and harmony. The ones you might recognize are Quan Yin, Dom Ignacio, Mary Magdalene, Serapis Bey and Amen Bey. It was a very powerful session.
The Masters have been talking lately about forgiveness - forgiveness of ourselves and others - in this life and past lives. Forgiveness will release you from some of the chains that bind you to the cycle of rebirth.
Part of the process of ascension is to really forgive all those in this life we feel we need to forgive and all those in past lives. For many of us our past lives are literally thousands of lives. How many of us have died life after life having never forgiven those who were with us, those who in some way hurt us. How many lives have we lived that we have done something and we never forgiven ourselves. All of this dross and pain still resides in our chakras.
So how are we going to achieve this huge process in order to ascend. Many of you will already be working in meditation on past lives you are aware of - but what of the lives that don't appear in meditation. 
The Deva of Forgiveness has worked with the Masters to produce a Forgiveness oil. 
The Masters teach forgiveness originates in the heart chakra and is expressed from the throat chakra. The Deva of forgiveness awakens forgiveness in the heart chakra. The Deva is the animating force of forgiveness. So she awakens and animates forgiveness within us. Forgiveness is then expressed through the throat chakra. As its expression has originated in the heart chakra, the chakras are then cleared of the pain.
So we have a 4 stage process to forgiveness - awaken, animate, express and release.
This process works time and time again, for multiple lives, multiple people and multiple circumstances.
The Masters also suggest the use of Violet Flame oil to clear from the chakras the dross that remains connected to each situation. 

3rd October, 2011

 I couldn't sleep in those pre-dawn hours last night and so just lay with theportal card of El Morya on my heart chakra. I connected with him via the torus method and just let his energy flow into me. In the quietness, he reminded me of several things I needed to focus on - but most of all I felt his love around me. Without knowing it 90 minutes passed. Today I feel more alive and focused - purpose is the feeling of the day.
A common question has arisen again - and while I've addressed it in this diary before I feel it needs to be answered again. 
What is the difference between St Germain and the Violet Flame - aren't they the same?
Well no. There are 7 rays of incarnation - we are all born with one of these soul rays. Each ray has a flame. Each flame has a purpose. The purpose of the Violet Flame is to transmute. It is the flame of the 7th ray. St Germain is the Chohan of the 7th ray, he focuses the Christ Consciousnesses of the ray onto the planet. As Chohan he also promotes the use of the Violet Flame as an ascension tool. The Violet Flame is the 1st flame on the path of Ascension. That is why it's the most well known - but there are 7 flames.
Just as the next flame in the Ascension series is the Blue Flame. Having transmuted our dross with the Violet Flame we are then ready to proceed to the Blue Flame. This is the flame of the 1st ray, the blue ray of God's Power and Will. With the blue ray we build our own personal power and strength. The blue flame is best known to us via Archangel Michael. 
It is a big leap to move from Violet Flame to Blue Flame, as it is much easier to destroy than create. And an even bigger leap to the Green Flame - personal truth. But having laid the foundation of personal power and strength, it is believed the truths that appear are ones we can cope with.

29th September, 2011

Today Jesus and Cha Ara are working in the portal together. They create a lovely energy together. There is a sense of playfulness and humor in their connection.
As you know I freely tell people the name of their Ascended Master / Teacher. And sometimes my response is queried because the Master I tell them isn't the one they feel connected to. And that's okay. We all have heart connections with Masters.
But your Ascended Master teacher is always on the same soul ray as you. For they are there to teach you the lessons of the ray.

We can have other Ascended Masters with us for a set time, they are there to teach and support us in our ascension process, and often they are from a different Ray. It is very common to feel drawn to other Masters other than our teacher – Masters that bring up heart responses.

We incarnate life after life and have Ascended Masters walk with us in those life times – and in each of those lives we incarnate on different rays -  so it makes sense that those deep heart connections are remembered in other lives. And it makes sense to maintain these connections.  I personally have many Masters I feel close to and work with – other than my teacher. But I know when my Master appears, I know its time to get serious.

Enjoy all the Masters - there is no need for limitations.

28th September, 2011

Today is healing day in the portal. 99 people were presented for healing today. The Masters giving healing are - St Germain, El Morya, Dom Ignacio, Mother Mary, Lady Nada, Hilarion and Cha Ara. 
Cha Ara is a 5th ray Master, he made his ascension from the physical in Persia - and so appears in red Persian pants and a brilliant white shirt.
Yesterday the Masters performed a clearing and blessing on a farmlet here in New Zealand. Unexpectedly the Maori goddess of the underworld appeared to clear and bless the land, along with many other Masters. The land was cleared of very ancient energy stored within its memory and blessed with new clear vibrant energy. What a blessing to have this goddess of our lands appear.
If you see her, recognise her by her wild, long white hair, which seems to go with her nature. 

24th September, 2011

Today the Ascended Masters portal is deep blue with silver coils through it - rather like a caduceus. Osiris, El Morya  and St John the Baptist are present - along with Dom Ignacio and St Germain. Though they appear to be working on their own agenda. There are so many dimensions to the portal, so many rooms and temples. For above all it is a place of devotion - a fact we often forget as we see the Masters working so much. Part of ascension Jesus tells us, is devotion. Devotion to the Christ within and its inclusion in the all and the One.
Recently the topic of angels has come up. A few are mentioned on this site but not in great detail. For the most part everyone knows the difference between an Ascended Master and Archangel / angels. But I do want to remind here of a few differences. Angels have never had a physical life on earth - their life path is different. They have never experienced the suffering and pain which is part of life on earth, and in that we are their teachers - for they learn through observation not experience. In this the Ascended Masters are like us in that they have walked the same life paths we now walk and because of this can come closer to us. 

19th September, 2011

 Phew, what a few days in the Ascended Masters portal. Jesus and St John, the Baptist did us the honor of witnessing their continued ascension. Don't mistakenly believe once you ascend - that's it. Oh no - the Masters continue to work on their ascension and initiations. They too experience ascension symptoms - theirs was to be incredibly off balance, but totally in the heart, as their vibratory rate increased. Towards the end they were glowing balls of gold Light.
There is a tight relationship between Jesus and St John - not only due to their life together with  those names - but also they were together as Elijah (St John) and his disciple Elisha (Jesus).

We had a group with children visit the portal on Saturday. It came through very clearly from the Masters, the benefit of children having their Ascended Master teachers portal print on the wall in their room. The portal prints, made by each Master is a portal for their energy to flow through 24/7.
There are several reasons the Masters said for the prints to hang in a child's room. The first is the child learns to recognize the energy of their Ascended Master teacher. Secondly the child opens their heart to the teacher, so the Master can come in closer. Thirdly, this bonding from the heart allows for a greater depth of guidance and teaching from the Master in adulthood and so the life path chosen is close to their perfect path.
All of the young ones today have a Master walking with them from birth.
As always I recommend everyone - adult or child having the portal print of the Masters in their room, is to have the Masters energy flowing 24/7 into the room. People call on Jesus and the Masters all the time for help, these portal prints bring the Master closer. These are portals through which the Masters energy flows. The Master is already present.

If you want to know your child's Ascended Master send me a photo. This is okay up to the age of about 14, after that they must be the ones to decide if they want to know this Sacred information.

14th September, 2011

Amen Bey presides over today's healing in the Ascended Masters portal. The portal reflects his aura colours. His aura is white, as expected of a 4th ray Master, but the edges of his aura go from soft apricot to a burnt orange.
He is a warrior Master. He carries a sword at his side. He often works with 2 other swordsman - Ptah and Archangel Michael. So I expect today's healing to follow the theme of cutting away much which prevents harmony within the inner Being. And cutting away connections which no longer serve the higher good of the individual. But of course, there are many other Masters standing forward for todays healing under amen Bey's direction - St Germain, Ganesh, Ptah to name a few.

13th September, 2011

One of my free services is to tell a person what soul ray they are on and which Ascended Master stands with them. Over the months I've noted the distribution of humanity on the rays - in a very minor way of course - and hopefully with greater numbers over the years, I will start to get a proper idea of distribution. So here are some of my findings about Masters and rays - time will tell if its a true reflection of humanity.

The most common ray to incarnate on is the 2nd ray - the yellow ray of wisdom, humility, joy and lightness of Being. The Masters of the 2nd ray that appear to take the most as followers are Jesus, Lord Lanto and Kuthumi.

The ray that has the least people incarnate on it is the 7th ray. For every three 2nd ray incarnations there is only one 7th ray incarnation.

Serapis Bey (4th ray) and  Hilarion (5th ray) appear to have the most students.

For the first ray - St John, the Baptist has the most students followed by Melchizedek.
Quan Yin has the most sPaul the Venetitudents for the 3rd ray, and Pallas Athena most students for the 6th ray.

12th September, 2011

If you go to a channeling and are not sure if it is really a Master or an entity, then here are a few guidelines.

Ascended Masters don't put people down. They honour and love all. They treat everyone they meet with respect. So if you hear the channel being rude, demeaning someone, and not treating all with the love and respect, then you know its a charlatan. Discernment in all things. Most of all trust your inner knowing, if you have doubts listen to yourself.

8th September, 2011
Another Wednesday healing session complete. The numbers continue to rise. I've been getting emails - asking how can they improve their healing experience. Open your heart to the Masters - the more open your heart the closer they can get to you. And surrender to the healing process. We all have specifics we want healed. But often the specifics are there for lessons, so surrender to the process and let go of the outcome. Change is occurring on some level.
Yesterday, was as usual, in the healing process, each person was presented for healing. And my part is complete, other than holding space for the next 24 hours for everyone in the portal. But yesterday, I had a guide and was taken into the healing temple and shown the process. It was long corridor with alcoves off all the way along. There were 4 activities. Some were waiting to be healed, one person at a time was being healed, a recovery area, and then release. There were Masters and helpers everywhere.
If you want to be included in the free healing with the Ascended Masters on a Wednesday then email Verna.

6th September, 2011

I gave the Ancestral Healing with the Ascended Masters painting workshop last Saturday. I don't usually talk about the workshops, but I do want you to know, each workshop is never the same - I've given this particular workshop 3 times and each time it has been different. This time it was spectacular. I had been getting for several weeks - insights into the goddess line. This is our ancestral unbroken female line right back to the first woman. So, if you are a woman its you, your mum, your mothers mother, your mothers mothers mother and so on - thousands and thousands of years and many thousands of women from you all the way back to the first woman. For men it would be the god line - you (a man), your father, his father, his fathers father and so on back to the first man in your lineage.
It was a powerful session. Not only that, Kuan Yin presided over the day. I had received from Ascended Master Paul, the Venetian, that everyone present had an ancestral link to Kuan Yin on this goddess line, in one of her past lives. Not the life she ascended in, but one of her past lives.
I've had some feedback from a lady in the United States about her experience with the Ascended Masters Blessing Stone (see yesterdays entry). Its lovely to get feedback and hear about experiences with the Masters.
I saw this (the Blessings Stone photo) on your site and downloaded yesterday. I put 2 necklaces on it. Last night when I  went to bed, I had stayed up late and was very tired. I put on one of the necklaces. Wow! The energy that came off it was beautiful, I even did a full meditation. This morning, I feel wonderful~. Much love to you and the Masters for all the never ending, wonderful work to mankind. 

2nd September, 2011

It is with great joy I present to you the Ascended Masters Blessing stone. It is a place where those visiting the portal have placed their crystals for the Masters to bless. Now, the Ascended Masters Quan Yin, Dom Ignacio and Melchizedek have worked with the blessing stone to make it available to all away from the portal.
Just, copy and print off the photo.
Place a crystal on the photo of the Blessing stone and with love, ask you Ascended Master or any of the Masters here at the portal to Bless your crystal. The process takes about 8 hours. Here at the portal the Blessing takes the time of your visit, about an hour. This is a great gift from the Masters to humanity.
Once the crystal is blessed, wear it or keep it close as its special energy will radiate out just for you.
The Ascended Masters portal has been constructed by the Ascended Masters, for the Ascended Masters, for their work with humanity. As the Ascended Masters portal is becoming known around the world, and as word spreads, the Masters understand many of you want to travel here in your meditations - to be with your Master, to experience the energies, to get answers.
So as to not interfere in their work, and to keep the vibrations at the level they want them to be - The Masters tell me they have set up a temple at the edge of the portal that receives the portal energies but in no way lets the energies of those visiting the temple enter the portal. The Masters call it the Ascension Temple. So if you want to visit the portal in your meditations ask to be taken to the Ascension Temple. The energies are just beautiful, I could sit their all day in the Love.

1st September, 2011

There were nearly 80 people being healed yesterday over 24 hours by the Ascended Masters healing teams. It is so beautiful to see the love and honoring the Masters show each person, as they remove their dross and then weave coloured healing threads into their auras. What a blessing they are to humanity.
I want to give everyone a heads up on the Kuan Yin oil. I've been using it for about 6 weeks every morning to help with my Inner Peace. So, with Kuan Yin's help, I've managed to come to a place where I worry less and am more at peace with myself throughout the day. The calmness within has allowed a greater sense of joy to rise up as well.
This is what is written about her oil...
 Ascended Master Kuan Yin is the goddess of compassion.
In her compassion for humanity, she has manifested in the Ascended Masters portal an oil she calls "Inner Peace".
This is a healing oil for those who need emotional body healing and for those who seek Peace on any level. This oil helps us with those internal battles we fight within ourselves that keep peace away.
She sees within our hearts and minds and knows and feels our emotional pain. This oil is her response to crossing the barrier between her dimension and ours. This oil is her manifestation into the physical, of her help and of her love for humanity.
If you have emotional turmoil or emotional pain, if you have self recriminations, if you have self judgement that weighs you down, or if you just seek inner peace, then this oil is for you. If she is your Ascended Master or you work with her, then this is for you.
This oil will work across all dimensions, bodies, time, planes and realities.
Go to the Store.

31st August, 2011

Continuing on from yesterday, Melchizedek reminded me of ascension and healers.
Healers can only heal to the level of their own ascension, therefore to be a better healer, a healer works actively on their ascension process. Most illnesses have their cause in the etheric or emotional bodies, therefore to heal effectively, a healer must heal the cause not the symptom, and so needs to have mastered these planes of reality. Hence an active ascension program is needed by all healers.
The other issue that has arisen is the rise in the need for earth healing.
 Homes and areas which were considered energetically okay are now suddenly in need of serious clearing. The reason - well as Mother Earth also ascends, she has dross stored within her cellullar memory that arises for clearing. As humanity lives on Mother Earth, civilisation after civilisation - here in New Zealand we were part of Lemuria - energies get submerged by newer energies. But as she ascends these ancient energies are rising up for release, and we are living in her rising dross. And it is rising in peoples homes, schools, parks, under office blocks - and often there are spirits attached to this energy that have not passed over but are still bound to the events and energies of ancient times. To this effect I offer a distant house and land clearing and blessing service which I do with the Ascended Masters in their portal.  And then a house and land entity removal service.
These certainly are changing times.

30th August, 2011

The portal continues to buzz away with activity. I continue to be amazed by the wonderful work the Masters are doing at the portal. It truly is a doorway for them, that makes all communications so much easier.
They are erecting protection fields around those who are under psychic attack and are attacked by entities. Not a nice thing to have happen. The fields they are creating are different for each person and hold the symbols, energetic signatures grids of the Ascended Master protection team. My part is huge in this, as the  asters work through me to create the protection grid - at the last session the Light was so bright the observers at the portal couldn't look. 
I was asked recently what "Bey" meant as in Serapis Bey and Amen Bey. The Masters tell me it is similar in meaning to the hindu title of Sri - and can be translated as Lord.
  Melchizedek has been talking about his symbol the Maltese cross, (also the symbol of St  Germain).
All the Masters are Masters of Ascension. Melchizedek, reminds me the 4 arms of the cross depict ascension through the 4 planes of the physical world - the physical plane, the etheric plane, the emotional plane and the mental plane. The physical and etheric plane are really subplanes of one plane. And so these 3 planes are also aligned to the first 3 chakras.
For not only do we ascend through the planes but also up the chakras. 
Melchizedek said to imagine the Maltese cross arms as actually the steps on a spiral staircase. As you ascend the planes your are walking up the ascension staircase and all that is being release from these planes is being burnt in the central column fire of your own Christ Light.
And seeing this view of a spiral staircase, those of you who are into sacred geometry, we begin to see the bigger picture unfolding. A picture really can say a thousand words.
  Now to Jesus - as many of you know I offer a free service of telling you who your Ascended Master is and what ray of incarnation you are on. Now in the last few days I've has a few people with Jewish names ask me. And in both cases their Master was Jesus. I reverted to old thinking and wondered why. Only to be told quite clearly Jesus was a Jew, and a devout Jew. He didn't create Christianity, the beginnings of Christainity didn't start till at least 50-80 years after his death.
It just goes to show, even now after all my work with the Masters I still put them in a box.
So I remind myself, Jesus wasn't his last life, he is an Ascended Master and transcends man's religions. Just as Mother Mary can be the Master of a Hindu, and Lao Tze can be the Master of a muslim. We can't box the Masters into human beliefs and behaviours.

19th August, 2011
 Thomas Merton, one of the new Ascended Masters asked me to paint his aura for everyone to see, so his new students will know him when they see him. Thomas is a first ray Master, as you can tell by his blue aura.
Thomas has been mentioned several times in this diary - august 4th and 11th 2011 and  21st of March.

18th August, 2011

Yesterdays healing started in the portal at 9am and it still continues. 77 people were submitted to the Masters for healing. so know that just because the numbers rise weekly, that your healing time in the portal is not diminished.The healing teams were co-ordinated into rays. So in this weeks healing they were healing according to your soul ray colour. Each week is different. I see Hilarion (5th ray), Serapis (4th ray), Lao Tze (2nd ray) and Dom Ignacio (3rd ray) heading healing teams.
The god Krishna stands in the centre of the portal sending his powerful love out to humanity. When I look at him its as if he hold the universe in his heart.

15th August, 2011

One of my free services is to tell people which Ascended Master is with them. And I love it when an Ascended Master I don't know stands beside a person, I see it as a chance to contribute to everyones knowledge of the Masters.
The latest is the Sumerian goddess Inanna, (Ina na). 

She is a 4th ray Master. Her aura is pure white with silver edges. Its great to add another Master to the 4th ray, she joins  Serapis Bey, Amen Bey and Lady Nada who works between the 6th and the 4th.
Inanna has long dark hair and her skin is olive, her eyes are a stunning green. She wears a gold band around her forehead with a gold vesica piscis over the third eye. Around her neck is a gold torque necklace. She is wearing a long white dress, no sleeves though the neckline covers the torque somewhat.
Her energy is lovely. Very maternal and loving. Rather like Vesta the goddess of the home.
If you want to know who your Ascended Master is just email Verna.

13th August, 2011

 I had a question recently about the Elohim and thought I would share the response.
The Elohim are vast beings of light, They stand with the higher powers to do the will of God. They are vast beyond our comprehension. And yet compassionate and connected to all of creation that they can make themselves known. I want to say they are god’s right hand – a bridge between creation and God. I see them as beings of light. Others might say they are above the archangels which is true. Have they gone through lives and rebirth? – no. That was not their path. What do they look like? I feel they take on form at will, angelic on one hand, human on another, and who knows what else. Their true form I believe is beyond us, as we like to create structure and form to help our understanding and so place limitations. Yet remember, they like us, are of God’s creation.

11th August, 2011

The free healing sessions with the Ascended Masters in their portal, took over 24 hours to complete with nearly 70 people receiving healing. Each person gets about 15-20 minutes each. I asked Dom Ignacio at what level they were healing and he showed me on the client they were working on that they heal the cause. Once the cause is healed eveything else drops away.
 If you scroll down to August the 4th you will read about Dom Ignacio making a priests gown. I now know he was making it for Thomas Merton one of the new Ascended Masters. Thomas really is a new Ascended Master only passing in 1968. Many of you might recognise his name - he was a trappist monk, in the Abbey of Gethsemane in Kentucky, USA and wrote the acclaimed Seven Story Mountain.Thomas is now moving to the stage of teaching. He is a first ray Master, hence the blue robe. His aura is blue with a violet edge.
We have also had in the portal recently buddhist monks. They performed many dance formations as if practising martial arts. But the joy of the imagery was as they danced their hands made symbols of energy in the air which gradually faded and were replaced by others.

4th August
Yesterdays healing was interesting, in that there was so much going on. On one dimension we had Sanat Kumara working  with the Universal energy, and on another Dom Ignacio was working on a prussian blue monks habit into which he was embroidering delicate line after line of pattern in a apple green thread (as shown). It will be interesting to note who this is for - perhaps a new Master.
On another dimension, in the healing temple the Masters worked on an increasingly long queue of people. Healings are lasting about 15-20 minutes per person. Healing in the portal are lasting nearly 24 hours. when its your turn you may feel tired and want to sleep or light headed. Some of you may feel the energy.

It is Lady Master time in the portal. Mary Magdalene is at the centre wearing 1940's / 50's clothes and a hat with net over  the eyes. She is surrounded my Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Lady Nada. I am reminded, Mary Magdalene is being identified by us all by a life she held 2000 years ago. The name and the energy this brings with her is old and no longer relavent to the being she has now become. Time will reveal what she wants to be called. Many Masters choose a name without any connections to a past life, just as many of you are choosing to release the name you were born with and take on a new name and a new vibration.

29th July, 2011

 Yesterday St John, the Baptist was very present in the portal, he was working hard to bring balance into the world. Not an easy task.
I'm sure many of you experience that early morning awake time before sleep claims you again. Last night Paul the Venetian claimed this time for some conscious teaching. St John was present as he is the Master of Meditation, but it was Paul who gave the teaching.
This is an aspect of it. 
He took me to a grey place but it was light, it looked like deep space. And within this vast space was a drop of water, suspended. It was very peaceful there and silent. I wasn't aware of even my heart beat, it was like a null place. It was only afterwards I realised I was observing and yet there was no thought.
He said.. "Silence is a place... its that place, where a drop of water is suspended before it falls, like that drop of water you see. Its the place between the in breath and the out breath. And in this silence, there is no thought, no sound. That is the place you strive to achieve in meditation."
Concentrate on the breath, at that point when your lungs are full and before you exhale, feel and experience the place between breaths. Now hold that place as you exhale, hold that place between breaths, inhale still holding the place. Keep holding the place between breaths as you slowly breath in and out renewing your place in the silence.
How long did it take before a thought came in? Embrace the place of silence in meditation, for there you achieve great balance, and in the balance, Oneness.

Paul, the Venetian is the Cohan of the 3rd ray of Unconditional Love. He focuses the Christ consciousness of the ray. He was a painter in Venice in his last life, hence the name. He has very few students, choosing to work with spiritual artists.

27th July, 2011

Healing day in the portal - today we observed a changing of the Masters working there every 15 to 20 minutes - which indicated how long they worked on each person. We couldn't see who they were working on but an example of the teams are Hilarion and Mother Mary, Dom Ignacio and 3 of his healing assistants, a Master with a Merlin type hat, Kuan Yin and Dom Ignacio. As they work they energy we feel is one of total love and compassion for the recipiants.
Many of those being healed write to tell us of the changes that are occuring for them, and how the changes are observed by others as well. This truely is a beautiful service they are performing.
I was asked to explain the term "Chela". It is a term the Masters use to identify those they have taken into their inner cirlce. The Master is their teacher. So if you ask me who is your Ascended Master and I say he/she is your teacher as well - then you are a chela. For many, they are in the Ascended Masters larger group and are taught as a group, but a chela is taught in smaller more intimate groups. 
So what makes the difference? Ascension - raise your vibration and thereby your consciousness and you hasten the ascension process and so are drawn closer to the Master. And how do you hasten the ascension process? Clear the chakras - as we ascend via our chakras - major and minor. And the easiest way to clear the chakra is Violet Flame oil.
The Masters made this oil as the first step in assisting us in our ascension process. I can't recommend this highly enough. I have seen and felt peoples vibration rise dramatically just through using this oil. 

25th July, 2011

 Kuan Yin has been very much to the fore in the last few weeks. She is a 3rd ray Master, the pink ray of Unconditional Love. As many of you know, one of my free services is to tell those who ask, who their Ascended Master Teacher is and what ray they are on. Or the hundreds of requests I have responded to, I can say for the 3rd ray, Kuan Yin has 40% of the chelas (students) of the 3rd ray.
This makes her a very important and hard working Ascended Master for humanity.
Ascended Master Kuan Yin is the goddess of compassion.
In her compassion for humanity, she has manifested in the Ascended Masters portal an oil she calls "Inner Peace". This is a healing oil for those who need emotional body healing and for those who seek Inner Peace. This oil helps us with those internal battles we fight within ourselves that keep peace away.
She sees within our hearts and minds and knows and feels our emotional pain. This oil is her response to crossing the barrier between her dimension and ours. This oil is her manifestation into the physical of her help and her love for humanity.
If you have emotional turmoil or emotional pain, if you have self recriminations, if you have self judgment, or if you just seek inner peace you then this oil is for you. If she is your Ascended Master or you work with her, then this is for you.

22nd July, 2011

The Ascended Masters portal today is sparkling. Every cell within it is alive and sparkling, to such a degree, its hard to look at it on any level. I feel the faerie dimension has come to visit. White Tara is present also, sparkling as well. It is all rather beautiful.
The White Tara's words "We all create our own reality, so create from the heart, not from the mind."
20th July, 2011

Pallas Athena resides as Master Healer today in the portal. She brings with her the 6th ray energy of the Goddess, on the purple aspect. She herself represents Truth - self truth.
It is interesting to note Lady Nada, Chohan of the 6th ray is moving more to the 4th ray at the moment. As Chohan of the ray she focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray. It appears she is gradually moving out of her position of chohan of the 6th ray and back to her natural position on the 4th ray (the white ray). Her aura colours are mainly white, with some gold. Lady Nada has been taking on chelas from the 4th ray, and this too indicates a move on her part. 
The question then arises who will step forward to become Chohan of the 6th ray. This we will have to wait and see, but my guess would be Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena has over 50% of all the chelas (students) on the 6th ray. And she certainly has the power to focus the ray.
So we will watch and wait. These changes don't happen in a blink of an eye. There is a long handover period as the energies are transferred and maintained.
On May 5th I mentioned a Lapis pendant placed in the portal had been taken by the Masters, well while I was away in New Y