Ascended Master Diary - 3rd August

We have had a few deaths in the last year or so that have touched Waireti and I personally. This has made me look at rebirth in a very close and personal way. I have the type of personality where I question and reject so much information that comes my way that when something sits right it is a bit of an event. I feel this is one of the reasons the Masters chose me, because of my nature to question and reject information. So it came as bit of a shock when recently someone said to me, after I had been relating my experiences of watching several rebirths was “If someone else had said that I would have thought it was rubbish, but because it is you I believe it.” I thought about this for days.  First, what I was saying may be taken as rubbish (LOL) okay truth be known this didn’t surprise me that much, secondly because “I” said it, it was believed. The feelings are still processing on that one. And thirdly, how our belief systems are changing, how what was known as truths twenty years ago are now being replaced. The truth we knew last year, isn’t the truth we now believe.  Though, some still hold on tightly to their old beliefs. They refuse to allow for a changing universe.

Rebirth is just an example of my changing beliefs. When I first started to delve into spirituality 40 odd years ago, my teacher of the time told me, when we die we get a period of time to heal, to serve as guides, and to review our last life and prepare for the next life.  The last few deaths I have watched have not lived up to this rule. The longest before rebirth was 3 weeks and the fastest was last breath, first breath. Which lead me to realise how many babies are being born with ties to physical lives and people. Just as a birth is being rejoiced, somewhere in the world family and friends are mourning that same soul. As the child grows, the feelings of love and grief will still surround that soul. There is no time to heal from the last life, there is no preparation for the next.  These children are not coming into their next life gently. Health problems must be part of their burden. They must release the old life before they can begin the new. And yet there are people mourning as part of their last life. Ties and grief still accompany them.  So, what is the need for this quick turnaround from one life to the next? What has changed? That I don’t know. I have lots of ideas but nothing is dropping in from the Masters as a truth.

The question is - what can the Masters do to help this sudden transition from one life to the next?  I have been shown all of this for a reason. Now let’s see where it leads.

In keeping with past lives, as Waireti and I delve into the past lives of others in our Past Life reading, we get to see how the past is the present, how patterns of behaviour are repeated life after life. We see beliefs such as "I'm not worthy" and patterns like "I have no friends" and fears connected to self and others, all have a basis in past lives. Knowing we are our past helps to heal the present. 

This weeks Ascended Master healers in the weekly free ascension healings were the Cosmic Masters Ganesh and Ares. Ares is a god of War, this is the first time he has stepped forward for these free sessions. He came to assist those on the healing list to be personal warriors in their own lives. His personal power and inner strength is immense, this he imparts to those on the healing list. Ganesh worked first with everyone to heal the "I'm not worthy" and self doubt that can arise. The inner warrior needs to know he is worthy on every level.