Ascended Masters Dairy - August 10th

Today is a Jesus, Lord Lanto and Lao Tze healing day in the Ascended Masters portal. A happy joyous day. These three can laugh up a storm. My energy just lifts thinking of them conducting this weeks free ascension healing. The fairies are dancing in the portal. Add smiley faces floating around too. They know all about emoji's. And now they are popping them like balloons. Happy fun. So if you are on today's healing list, hopefully there are some laughter bubbles rising up in you too.

Now we want to talk about the names of Ascended Masters.

I want you to contemplate the names of the Ascended Masters - Mary Magdalene, St Germain, Paul the Venetian, Jesus, Hilarion, St John the Baptist to name a few. You will recognise these are the names of the lower self while in body. Just as you have a name now that identifies you in your life. We all strive to know the name of our own Higher self, but ignore the true names of many of the Masters. So when these Masters were in body as Mary Magdalene or Paul the Venetian we ask ourselves what was the name of their Higher Self. It wasn't Mary or Paul. Therefore there are many Higher Selves presenting not as themselves, but as a known life, not even a last life but a known life of one of their dimensional souls. We know Mary Magdalene didn't ascend in that life. Is her Higher Self male of female? What is the name of her Higher Self? We talk about being authentic, so too do the Masters discuss presenting as their authentic selves. Much of this started when they first appeared and said to Waireti, "you will know us by our colours."  Hopefully we will be told the Higher Self names in time. An easy one we already know is Jesus Christ. Christ being the name of Jesus Higher self.  I keep this going with Verna Maru-ata. Maru being the name of my Higher self and ata means the dawn of. Which fits nicely as he is just coming into the Being he is.

For those of you who are new to this blog, note I am female, but my Higher Self Maru is male. Don't assume your Higher self is the same sex as you. After all you have had many lives as both male and female.