Ascended Masters Diary - 13th October 2016

Spring has arrived here at the Ascended Masters portal. It is my favourite time of year when we see the renewal of life. We have lots of fruit and nut trees, ornamentals, bulbs and shrubs. Each year Waireti and I are in a state of Christmas as we discover an old friend returning for the summer with blossoms or leaves emerging. We have a major vegetable garden and the winter crops are finishing and being pulled out and the raised beds prepared for the summer crops. Waireti and I have our usual over supply of seeds germinating in the greenhouse. Waireti does the vegetables and I do the flowers. No one can rival Waireti's tomato indulgence. I think she has 24 varieties this year, always curious about what will have if she crosses this one with that one. LOL. We make our own sauces and relishes from them. And the photo is from one of our cherry trees.

I went into the portal for healing day on Wednesday and the faeries were everywhere. They were all over me. I thought at first it was going to be faerie healing day but no, they were working in the portal. A special moment for me. This week the healing Masters for the free ascension healing were Melchizedek, St John the Baptist and Thomas Merton. This week the Masters looked at each person on the list and chose something the person needed to look at to the core, to the root. The Masters helped on bring this core issue to the fore. Sometimes we actually have to see something in truth to release it or heal it.

I received an email this morning from someone wanting to know my interpretation of the meaning of 1.11 or 11.11. And following onto 2.22, 3.33 etc

Just yesterday I looked at the time and it was 1.11. And again I wondered at of all the times in the day, why do certain times pull us into this synchronicity. And this isn't just a few people this is a worldwide phenomenon. How many other people in my time zone looked at the time at the exact same time as me? This morning I asked the Masters what this means in their awareness being so much greater than mine. Please understand when they teach it happens in seconds, it is like a downloaded file with sub-files. I get the meaning all at one and understand it. There is no long winded lecture. It just arrives. The long part is for me to put it into words.

They explained humanity is beginning the process of initialising unity and harmony.

To bring this into context, in the Vedic teachings humanity rises and falls in a system they call the Yugas. Explained by Ascended Master Yogananda and his teacher Sri Yukteswar, these Yugas (and there are four of them) start at the golden age (Satya Yuga) and over 12,000 years descend into the dark ages (Kali Yuga), and then once humanity reaches the turning point in Kali Yuga the rise begins back up to the Golden age again. These two Masters teach we are now in Dwapara Yuga on the upward rise, having reached the base in about 500AD. This was when spirituality was at its lowest and humanity was in its darkest period. Dwapara Yuga started about 1700. This rise can be seen by the blossoming of technology and huge advancements since. Humanities awakening is now occurring too.

At the height of the Satya Yuga humanity was one in a unified field and in a state of peace. A golden age. And then as the yugas progressed in their cycle and time passed, humanity started to splinter away from the unified field until such time as the field was gradually disabled and each person was energetically alone.

Now in Dwapara Yuga we are starting the rise once more towards Satya Yuga, in the never ending cycle. Those spiritually aware are now in a minor way linking into the potential of humanity in that their energies are starting to synchronise to a single moment in each day. It is a baby step, but it is the spark of the potential of humanity.

There are still over 10,000 years to go till the next pinnacle of Satya Yuga. If you look you will see other signs of change, for example, the gifts are starting to awaken and return to people - the gifts of sight have been on the rise this last year - seeing angels, seeing into other dimensions, seeing faeries, seeing spirit  and hearing too, hearing the angels, hearing across time. Humanity is starting to move beyond its limitations.

So if you see 11.11 or 1.11 or other numbers like this, you know you are part of humanities awakening towards their potential.