Ascended Masters Diary - 17th August 2106

I had a lovely email conversation with a lady who sees and hears angels singing. What a beautiful gift! I am told the sound is pure and beautiful. This week she heard distinct words and one of those was the word angel. She said they pronounced it differently, the emphasis was on the last syllable, an-gel. Like in hair gel. An-gel. I have adopted this new pronunciation! So much softer.

In keeping with this, the healers for this weeks free ascension healing in the Ascended Masters portal were St John the Baptist (blue first ray), Archangel Jophiel (yellow second ray) and Archangel Chamuel (pink thrid ray). This weeks healing was with the energies of the threefold flame. I am told they work with the aspects of strength, compassion and humility. All aspects of the recognised three flames of the three rays - power, love and wisdom. So a lovely healing for those on the free ascension healing list.

Here is a little exercise that I found beneficial, I put it out in my newsletter this week and the positive feedback was off the chart. Most of the responses were "I needed to hear that." "Perfect timing." And that is why I share my personal experiences, because someone will need to hear it, not everyone, and not everyone at that time. But to those who silently and not so silently said thank you - you touched my heart. Heart to heart is a perfect way to help humanity.

So here is the technique. Give yourself five minutes of being still. In those minutes I want you to send love to yourself. No words, no affirmations, no thoughts, just love.

We spend so much time on others we forget ourselves.

If you do this as a daily exercise, feel how your cells respond. Feel how all your bodies respond. Everything responds positively to the vibration of love, so don't leave yourself out of the experience. Watch how with these daily sessions of love, you will start to feel different about you and your place in the world. Watch how you become more positive and less negative. A sure way to make less karma.

Do this also when negative thoughts of self arise. Stop and send yourself love.

Loving yourself starts with the simple act of sending yourself love.

I've done a few more aura pictures of the Masters. The Masters say, you will know us by our colours here are a few for you to see.

Anubis has three golds in his aura. Anubis is a 6th ray Master. The 6th ray is the goddess ray and the ray of devotion.






Amen Bey is a fourth ray Master, his aura is clear in the centre, then white with the edges in orange. So when he stands with someone as ascension Master their ray colours will be white with an orange wash.





We recently had a lady come to us via the website. She shared with me a technique she uses with the Masters which I like a lot. So with her permission I am sharing it with you. If you are energy sensitive you will like it too. Consider first the fact that each person has an Ascended Master with them, or at least is watching over that person. So if you encounter a situation that is negative, or highly charged, or enter a room that is heavy in vibration. Call on all the Masters with all the people in the situation, and ask them for help - ie lighten the mood, lighten the energy, calm the situation. So don't ask just your Ascended Master team, but the Ascended Master team of all present. I'm told it works a treat. I haven't tried it, but I feel it must work. Try it with arguments in the home, children fighting, work issues. I'd love to hear your experiences with it.
