Ascended Masters Diary - 21st July 2016

Heart Hello, I think I've jumped up and down up-teen times this morning to let the dogs in and out. They can't seem to decide if they want to be in or out. That's a bit like life. We aren't always sure what we want. Nothing feels right. We can feel like we are walkin in circles. If that's you, try this free technique the Masters gave me - The perfect path. It is free on the article page. It will help you sort yourself out and to find a direction.

Note the wording - sort yourself out. It is so easy to give our power away when we don't know what to do. Be in your power and live your life the way you want to. Make decisions for yourself. To help you with being more in your power I suggest this other free technique the Masters gave me - the Torus technique. It will help you link your divine mind, sacred heart and soul. This will then keep your aligned to your soul purpose and higher knowledge. It is also a pre-meditation technique. And one you use to connect with the Ascended Masters in meditation. 

Meditation has come up a few times this week. If you are actively working on your ascension then you must learn how to meditate and to take yourself into the stillness. For it is in this space that you can communicate with the Masters and you own Higher Self. It is a very necessary tool for ascension. If you know how to meditate but need help getting to that deep stillness then I suggest St John the Baptist oil. This oil takes me into the stillness in seconds. St John is a Master of Meditation.

St John the Baptist was one of the Masters in this week's free Ascension healing sessions. He was joined by El Morya and Thomas Merton. All three of these Masters are first ray Masters. They are from the blue, red and silver ray of God's Will and Power. Blue is the masculine aspect of the ray and red the feminine aspect. Silver is the divine aspect of the ray. This week each person on the Ascension healing list received healing from Thomas Merton, the St John the Baptist and then El Morya. Clearing, balance, focus - these are all essential in the ascension process. Clear, balance, focus, clear, balance and focus.

To help in the process we have introduced our new healing - Balancing and Harmonising the bodies - to help bring the bodies into alignment, and so help with the payment of karma, clearing, and focusing on the soul purpose. We are also getting wonderful feedback for our new Past Life Readings - they are highlighting to me that we are a jumble of our past lives and the past is the present. Every time we do a reading I get amazed at what patterns appear that are just repeated life after life. In knowing this influence is possible, it is easier to love ourselves and forgive ourselves, and in this process let go of the past.

I have changed the name of the Chakra reading to Ascension reading. It seems to represent the expansion of the reading. In the beginning, many years ago we concentrated on the chakras, but now we include in the 9 page reading the following  - the Earth star, Core star and Soul seat  (size shape and colour), dimensional lives, dimensional life Master, Ascension Master, Ascension ray, chakra - colour (they can change as you ascend), size, shape, speed, rotation direction, position, alignment (they take time to move in and out) , chakra light (vibrancy) how far it radiates in each chakra, Karma percentages in each chakra, initiation level, states of your bodies, diagrams of perfect position of the chakras and radiance, diagrams of what you look like with core star, earth star and soul seat. And we also give your origin. Everyone has an origin - angelic, reptilian or faerie. And finally we make suggestions for your ascension. The main point of the reading is to provide a base line from which to monitor your ascension process. So it is a lot of information about the energetic you.