Ascended Masters Diary - 22nd September 2016

Heart hello,

I was reminded today how much our perspective changes as we ascend. Looking at something from the 3rd or 4th initiation is so different from looking at it from the 6th and 7th initiations. I can't even explain the difference, perhaps wider and clearer. I'm reminded of imagery I have seen as each cycle passes. Imagine a spiral and as you do a rotation of the cycle, you find yourself back in the same place only a step above, and so you still see the same things, only from a higher perspective, the higher the view the clearer the picture.

I feel like I sit here in my office, in a hub, and you all email me your experiences, sharing from a heart level, knowing I respect your sharing and where you are at in your ascension process. So today I take some of your sharing's and lay them out to give a view from my turn of the cycle.

Everyone has abilities that are theirs - you may be clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, see'er, aka you might see beyond the physical, you may hear beyond the physical and you may feel/know beyond the physical, and then there is smell and other less known gifts. None of these are greater or lesser gifts, though some erroneously think "seeing" is the pinnacle. Your gift or gifts are yours. So you may see, hear of feel in realms and dimensions not of the physical or perhaps you see, feel and hear in the physical at levels beyond the norm. Regardless we are all aware there are other realities beyond us.

So as you stand where you are imagine around you, in your room are overlaps of the following -

  • the reality your guides live in - (guides meaning those who still have lives to live, but who for a while stand beside you)
  • the reality of those who have passed over and come to visit
  • the reality of the Ascended Masters
  • The reality of the Devas
  • The reality of the Faeries
  • The reality of spirit animals
  • the reality of the Angels
  • the reality of the Reptilians
  • the reality of entities
  • the astral plane
  • the darker realities
  • energy that takes form ( such as thought energy amassing)
  • feeling overlays (ie room energy)
  • time realities

As you sit here reading this, take your gift - seeing, hearing, feeling or another and see which of these realities your gift works in. More than one? As you ascend your gifts will increase and your interconnections with these realities will increase. One reality is not greater or lesser, they exist in their own reality - meaning, seeing Ascended Masters is not better than seeing Devas - the gift is the same the difference is the reality. Knowing/feeling the Devas is no not greater or lesser than feeling/ knowing the Ascended Masters. Just as hearing the Ascended Masters is not greater or lesser than seeing them.

There seems to be a discrepancy of great ego/ desire for with a single gift to great despondency/ negativity about a gift. What you have is yours. Accept it and move on, your gift is not your reality, it is addition to your physical world and life. Your reality is the ascending spiral - ascension within this physical world. All this these gifts and realities exist, but don't let them be a path. That is a dead end.

The Ascended Masters are not a path they are helpers. Seeing, hearing or feeling their energy isn't going to help you in your ascension. Just as reading endless books and acquiring knowledge isn't going to help you in your ascension, it is all just extra to the experience. In the end ascension is about, first clearing all your karma so you can leave the cycle of rebirth at the 5th initiation and once that has occurred clearing all the dross, cellular memory, fears, patterns of behaviour and thinking that exists within your energy field from this and past lives, so your Higher Self can manifest from a pure vessel.

It is from that point that you and your Higher Self will be ascending together for a short while in the overall scheme of time and ascension.

We are here to help you on your path, but the journey and the power is yours.

This week's free healing was given by Serapis Bey. He rained purity of energy on all those receiving healing. He helped to wash away some of the dross those on the healing list were ready to release.