Ascended Masters Diary - 25th August 2016

St John the Baptist and St Germain - pale blue and violet - 1st ray and 7th ray - balance and change. These were the healing Masters this week for the free ascension healing. How do we stay balanced in the midst of change? A challenge for sure. Ascension is about constant change.We are continually clearing, releasing, healing, letting go, raising our vibration, raising our consciousness, letting go of old systems and people that no longer fit into our changing paradigm. And among all this change we strive for balance, harmony, inner peace, focus and direction. Phew. It is a bit of a juggling act. But you aren't alone, all those who actively ascend and who are awake are going though this process too. So if you are stuck in your change call on St Germain, if you are finding balance or even meditation hard, call on St John the Baptist.

Here at the portal it is common for the Masters to be seen in little groups talking. We have many wooden seats for sitting on and usually there is a Master sitting on at least one of them. One of these is a rustic seat which we never use and it is more for decoration than comfort. And I've noticed the ants have a fascination for it, so it puts me off sitting on it. The other day St John the Baptist and Jesus were sitting on it in quiet conversation. My first thought was the ants can't bother them, and the second thought was - of course they were family! How many Masters get to sit and chat and work with family members, making the St John, Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene group all the more special. During this time of their conversation there was a Lady Master day in the portal too. They were all standing around chatting, a bit like ladies out for coffee. Friends. At times like this we realise it isn't all work for the Masters, sometimes they just need to hang out and socialise with friends. As do we all!

Friends and Family. All so very important in our life journey, no matter what our stage of ascension is.