Ascended Masters Diary - 27 July 2016

Each month see's new people reading the website and the diaries. I attempt to keep the information fresh for those who have been reading my diary entries for years and those who have just found us. So forgive me please, if I revert here back to how the portal was created.

The Ascended Masters portal is a sacred space created by the Masters for the Masters. Waireti and I, not knowing what the Ascended Masters were intending happily went step by step with them through the procedure.

Waireti and I met about 10 years ago we think, it may be more or less. We are terrible at keeping track of life events. We met at a workshop, one which ended up being pivotal, for their I met many past life friends returned. I'm sure you have had similar experiences. After this meeting, my healing business ended, all my free service healing ended as I realised I was in need of a serious break, burnout was just around the corner. After a months rest, the Masters appeared and asked me to help create their portals in painting. These paintings you see today as prints and cards on the website. There were 44 of the original paintings in all. These were created by the Ascended Masters themselves utilising my second crown chakra. This ensured none of my (Verna's) energy was in the portal paintings. So the Master stepped in, and I stepped to one-side. Just as I completed the 22nd portal painting with St John the Baptist, Waireti and I were told to take time off (now) and go on a road trip. We didn't know where we were going. We followed the vibration of the road, turning left and right as directed. On the 2nd day we were up in the ranges of the Coromandel and were told to stop, there we saw a path and followed it, after 15 minutes or so we were told to stop and dig. There we uncovered a large quartz crystal. It was in two halves. We carried a half each out of the bush. Our next stop was an even more special event. We turned up this one lane rough road, a river ran on one side. Again we were guided to stop, and walk towards the river. Walking through a glad of trees I found two flat stones. I was told to stand on them. Waireti said I disappeared. I returned 15-20 minutes later knowing exactly what we had to do. The stones I was standing on had to come with us. LOL. What we didn't know was they descended into the ground like a tooth. Getting them out was a battle and picking them up looked to be impossible, till Waireti told them to lighten so we could carry them. Which they did. Getting them out of the car wasn't as easy. It was a one time only process. These stones, along with other necessary items we found along the way, were the base for the portal to be built by the Masters along with the 44 portal paintings of the Ascended Masters. After the initial months of setting the foundations, it took the 108 Masters 3 years to bring their portal down and anchor it into the earth. It was and continues to be a wonderful service and experience with the Ascended Masters. We learned that the Masters can't do things instantly, that layers of constructed energy take time and patience. The final portal is multidimensional, it has many temples and rooms, many doorways to other dimensions. We see some weird and wonderful beings appear. Some like we have never seen before. But all radiate a light that at times can be blinding. Ascended and Cosmic Masters are limited to this world. It is a multi dimensional, multi universal brother-sisterhood.

The Masters are continually working in the portal. Working with each other, working to help humanity ascend. There are always groups of Masters working, singing, talking, praying, healing and playing.

This weeks free ascension healing was given by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. Both are Masters of the 3rd ray of unconditional live. The portal during this session was a lovely magenta, embedded with a softer pink glow. This weeks healing was for kindness to self. Kindness of thought and kindness of action to self. The Masters worked at healing those issues we berate ourselves over, those issues that hold us back from loving self. Kindness to self is just as important as kindness to others.