Ascended Masters Diary - 5th October 2016

Isis returns this week for another round of Wednesdays free ascension healing, she is joined by Jesus. A lovely duo. Isis gold and Jesus buttery yellow blend beautifully and harmoniously through the portal. Waireti presented everyone on the healing list this week. I sat down with them earlier today in preparation of writing the diary and asked them what they wanted me to write about and what were they healing. Sadness was this week's focus. I see them giving support around the heart chakra, holding each person as they release.

So this week we are talking about working with the Masters and their tools. Here is an example from this week. I no longer give hands on healing working only in the portal with the Masters, but this week a friend asked for help with her back. I first rubbed on Violet Flame cream to remove the cellular memory of the pain from the cells, then after about 10 seconds I wiped the cream off and reapplied and after 10 seconds I wiped the cream off again. Then I gave hands on healing to the back for about 5 minutes and then got the Masters healing shawl and wrapped it around her. Next day she told me the pain was gone. I'm reminded by the Masters this is a technique any healer can do. It is a combination of the Masters products, which they make in the Ascended Masters portal and a person's own innate gifts. The Masters are here to work with you.

Our ascension numbers are rising. Those passing the high initiations with the Masters are increasing every month. The tally is

  • 83 have passed the 4th initiation using the Masters products and healings
  • 40 have passed the 5th initiation
  • 32 have passed the 6th initiation
  • 4 have passed the 7th initiation

We are finding for those who have used the oils and most of the healings and belong to the closed Facebook support group, the initiation period between 5th and 6th initiation can be as quick as three months. This is amazing. I am blown away. I feel the Masters have major work in mind for these people of high vibration. But as always the Masters never reveal a plan, it is only every step by step. That ensures ego is kept at a minimum and of course the ego lessens as we ascend.

I do want to stress the Masters healings and products are only tools to help you along your path. Your journey is yours, unique and beautiful, we want you to be in your power every step of the way.