Ascended Masters Diary 6 July 2016

Heart Hello, First I want to share one of my daily joys. When photos arrive for healings, people are always smiling. I just went through a pile of photos from healings that are complete and every face was smiling at me, and of course I smiled right back. What a lovely experience. 

The Ascended Master portal free ascension healing sessions once more had us going outside on a freezing New Zealand morning to present those on the free ascension healing list to the Masters. This Wednesday morning Lady Nada appeared, followed by Serapis Bey and then St John the Baptist. The purple, white and blue auras of the Masters glistened in from on me, accepting each person as I present them for healing. This weeks ascension healing was to heal the inner child and bring them back into balance. We all have issues from our childhood that have an affect on us as adults. In a recent meditation session with my Higher self, I was transported back to the age of six. I remember having a friend who with his parents immigrated to Canada. And while I don't remember much about that time, but the loss of a friend greatly affected my future relationships with people. A distant event with present day ramifications. So in this weeks sessions the Masters were healing events of childhood that impact on the present.

Recently Waireti and I joined forces to give a past life reading to a friend. We could see how understanding the past helped them to understand the present and get a deeper awareness of their ascension process. We found with Waireti seeing the life and through my double crown the Masters giving the lessons and karma we gave a deeper look into past lives. So in light of this we are trialing an Ascension Past Life reading service. This isn't a reading about "who was I", rather are looking at the lives that affect your ascension process. We first take a wide look at all your past lives such as - the total number, # on other planets, # male to female, # of spiritual lives, ethnic groups and other factors that stand out about your past lives. Then we look at five lives that most affect this life in terms of karma and lessons. Karmic lives aren't pretty, so don't expect a fun reading. This reading is to give you a deeper look at why you are like you are in this life. If you are interested you can read more here in store in the past life reading.

We still have had no success on-selling the portal painting of Lady Nada for a lady. I suspect Lady Nada doesn't want to leave where she is. At the moment she is in a nursing home for the elderly doing beautiful work. The portal paintings are as strong as the crystal portals. They are a doorway for a Master to work with humanity. The Masters energy flows from the painting 24/7 out to the world. So hopefully Lady Nada's portal painting can go to someone who can help continue her wonderful work such as a healing room. If you are interested contact me for details.