Ascended Masters Diary Archive 2013

19th December, 2013

Waireti and I are now taking it in turns to present those wanting healing to the Masters on a Wednesday. Yesterday was a yellow day, a 2nd ray day. The Masters Jesus, Kuthumi, Lord Lanto and Lao Tze all stood in a diamond pattern healing each of you on the healing list in turn. Waireti called them "the Awesome Foursome".

I had a question about the Blessing Stone. For those of you who don't know, here at the Ascended Masters portal, the Masters have created a blessing stone. Click here to see it and read more about it. Essentially the stone was created by the Masters to bless a crystal for you. They will imbue into it what you need - usually it is Deva related, so it may be courage, joy, trust etc. You can do this from home, just print off the photo and place your crystals on it. It will take about 8 hours for them to do it. Whereas if you were here at the portal it would take about 10 minutes. Waireti says she often see's the Blessing stone flair and knows someone somewhere in the world has asked the Masters to bless their crystal. 
Also they will bless water and imbue it with your needs for the day. A great assistance in your day.

We were asked also where AmayahGrace fits in with the work here at the portal. The Masters made it very clear. Verna Maruata And Waireti work with people for their Ascension. AmayahGrace works with people for their life issues. So true! Waireti and I haven't got enough hours in the day to do all we need to do, so it is great that AmayahGrace takes on this aspect of healing. AmayahGrace usually works across the distance via skype or phone. But the Masters have suggested she include the option of distant healing with no verbal contact. Not everyone wants to investigate the story. And so a distant healing session will address this. Keep an eye out for what the Masters suggest. AmayahGrace has her own website - have a look at her current healings around life issues.

And check out the latest lot of healing shawls. These are all either pure Merino wool, real Cashmere, or Merino and silk blend. They are all so soft, but the softest of all is the Cashmere. 

A question just came in about past lives and karma in regards to ascension - here is my response, amended a bit for general reading.

Anyone who ascends (passes the 5th initiation) must clear all their past lives - everyone. It isn't as difficult as looking at each life - or to know who we were or what we did. But the negative energy of every life resides in our chakras and our soul seat. As we near ascension we clear them in our dreams, via our chakras and via our meditations. Many have thousands of past lives, and when we think of clearing them all it can seem insurmountable. The Masters help to clear these Past lives, to assist you in your ascension.

And yes all karma must be paid to pass the 5th initiation. The karma resides in the chakras, it must be cleared, it must be paid. 

One piece of karma left, one past life not cleared, one lesson not learnt and back you come for another life. 

Ascension is about perfecting the person to become the Being. Ascension is clearing, clearing, clearing. No one passes the 5th initiation and comes off the wheel of rebirth without being 100% light in all their chakras. 

And another question on karma came right after it.

Karma - we need to pay all of our karma to pass the 5th initiation - to get off the cycle of rebirth. The chakras need to be 100% light. The karma is the darkness in the light of our chakras. It must be paid. There are no easy ways. 

I know there are lots of theories and information on the net. It is all about discernment and trusting your own inner knowing. 

I get a lot of "so and so" wrote this or said this. But I can only present my knowledge from our empirical studies and Masters teachings. Much of what is written on the internet has been taken from the works of Alice Baily, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Leadbeater, Blavatsky etc. All contradicatory. Hence we tossed it all out and asked the Masters to teach us directly - and with my 2nd crown chakra this makes sure Verna is out of the information and everything is clear. I am a clear channel, the 2nd crown chakra ensures thats. Here at the portal we work with them daily. We have many questions and the Masters answer them when we get to the place where we can understand the answer. We share freely what we get as articles, blogs and dairy entries. As I  say "we are all learning". 

But in saying that knowledge is all a head thing. Knowing information doesn't assist in the ascension process. We can only ascend through our Holy Heart, the place beyond the Sacred heart. 

17th December, 2013

AmayahGrace has her new blog up on her website - the topic is Surrender. She brings up some good points! Click here for the link.

And her latest webcast is at this link. 

She was asked a question for her webcast - how do we create abundance. She gave some good suggestions around the blockages and ways to address lack. The Masters suggested I add this here...

"When you cease to desire abundance, when you forget about it, when you live in the moment and when you truly trust and have faith that all your needs will be met - then the abundance will arrive." 

This is heart knowledge, not head fear.

Thank you all for your lovely emails re the cats. Waireti corrected me - Iris is not a brown Labrador. She is a "Chocolate" lab. Haha. 
Waireti tells me the healing shawl the Masters made for Iris, is of a different vibration to the other healing shawls. Healing mats for animals next perhaps. Iris is loving hers, her fell asleep instantly last night when Waireti laid it on her.

13th December, 2013

Healing this Wednesday was led by Serapis Bey. He was assisted by Inanna and Amen Bey. All Ascended Masters on the white ray, the 4th ray of Harmony through conflict.

As you know we are an Ascension site and most of our healings are for Ascension. But one of the side effects of ascension is ill health. As we ascend the higher vibration of our cells comes into conflict with the dross we carry and of course this dross must be released. Hence for many the release manifests on the physical.

You may erroneously think that as you ascend your body will become healthier and lighter in vibration. Your body exists in the vibration of the physical world, regardless of anything else that is where we live, the food we eat and what we put into our body, all has a vibration consistent with the physical world. Therefore any rising in vibration will occur in the chakras and the other bodies, and any release or conflict will very likely for most play out in the lowest vibration, that being the physical body.

And don't think when you pass the 5th initiation this will stop, because you will still be in a body. In fact after the 5th initiation you will go through a period of being very sick. You chakras are 100% light, but your physical body isn't and so vast clearing will occur, not from what is in your chakras but from what you carry in your other bodies. You will also begin to clear the karma of your dimensional lives and assist in the clearing of the karma of those around you. As you head towards the 6th initiation only then you will find your cells are vibrating at a very high rate and any illness like a cold or virus doesn't manifest and by then all the dross has nearly all gone from the bodies and so there is no reason why you should get ill.

We have had a sad week, here at the portal. Those of you who have visited will have seen our 2 ginger cats. One short hair and one long hair. Sadly both passed away within 3 days of each other. They were old, 16 years and it was there time. But still we feel the holes they have left in our lives. Our chocolate Labrador Iris misses them too, she is walking around looking very sad and lost, and whimpers where the cat's bed was. Too sad. We put a healing scarf around Iris neck to help her at this time (and we have been wearing our healing shawls too). We pray in their next lives they go to a loving family. Kuthumi (St Francis of Asissi) helped greatly with all the animals via his portal card. Blessings to the Masters for their loving work with the animals and us.

4th December, 2013

There are 8 Ascended Masters healing today in the Ascended Masters portal. White Tara leads a rainbow day - or rather a ray-day. The 7 rays are represented by St John the Baptist, first ray and blue, Jesus is healing for the yellow 2nd ray, Dom Ignacio for the pink 3rd ray, Serapis Bey for the white 4th ray, Ganesh for the green and orange 5th ray, Pallas Athena for the purple, ruby and gold 6th ray and St Germain for the 7th ray. And of course White Tara of the rainbow 8th ray.

As many of you know one of our free services is to tell people who their Ascension Master is this is the Master with their soul ray. In these changing times of ascension the Masters are coming closer. We now can have a master assigned to each of our 5 rays - soul ray (Ascension Master), personality ray (Life Master) and then the mental, emotional and physical body ray Masters. Add into that a dimensional life Master and we can get quite a team around us.

Of course people have their own heart connections with Masters regardless if the person is in their "team" of not. That's perfectly fine. Jesus isn't in my team but I love it when he is around all the same and have a heart connection with him.

So it isn't uncommon for people to think I get it wrong. And sometimes I do. I am happy to ask Waireti to check if you feel your Ascension Master isn't part of your team. But today I was asked to explain for a different reason. And yes I got it wrong!

In my article on Mary Magdalene I wrote Mary Magdalene was a new Master, having ascended in the last 20 years. So wrong! thats what happens when I write from my knowledge base before the portal. These days I only write what comes from the Masters. So thank goodness this was bought to my attention. 

What bought this to my attention was the question how can new Masters have chelas (pupils) when the pupils were born before the Master ascended. This especially applies to Thomas Merton. Our newbie Master. This is my response guided by the Masters....

So here is what I know from my experience here at the portal and what I have received via my 2nd crown chakra from the Masters.

The last Master to Ascend who now has chelas was Thomas Merton. He died in 1968. But didn't emerge as a Master till 40 years later when he came to the portal as gate keeper. Over the last few years we have watched him grow in his abilities and responsibilities as a Master, supported and guided by the other Masters, he is just learning. He has chelas, and slowly is getting more. So this would suggest his current chelas had another Master before him. Though their soul ray would have stayed the same, just changed in the shade of blue. 
Melchizedek supplies the answer that Thomas Merton's chelas are passed to him at this time due to their soul lessons being more vibrationally attuned to Thomas Merton, the Master he is today, not the person he was in his last life. All of Thomas Merton's chelas were previously with Melchizedek.

I historically have heard Mary Magdalene had her last life and ascended in the 20th century - and to this is what I believed. So up until this moment I would say to you what I have just written about Thomas Merton would apply to Mary Magdalene. In the article I wrote on her I relied on my old knowledge taken from elsewhere and not like I do now. I now rely only on the Masters themselves as a source of information. I am being quite loudly corrected, so thank you for emailing so I would sit still long enough for the Masters to correct me on this. From what I am receiving is she had her last life sometime in the 14th century. What further confirms this to me is the amount of work Mary Magdalene does in the portal compared to Thomas Merton. And the vast number of chelas she has compared to him.

We have had the first 6th initiation ascension at the portal and six 5th initiations in the last year. So it makes sense to believe there will be many new Masters Ascending over the life time of the portal. They will all start to take on chelas. Those chelas may very well be alive now. 

We are all learning.  We need to be fluid in our understanding in these times of ascension, for that is why the Masters are so close at this time - to help humanity ascend. 

PS The article on Mary Magdalene  can be found in the Blog section.

3rd December, 2013

We have had another person pass the 5th initiation. This person is in the States, so yes you can ascend away from the portal. There are a few of you working hard to be next. 

The Masters want me to talk on the topic of working towards your ascension. 

The Masters want me to address the issue of "thinking" you are working to your ascension, and actually doing it.

Ascension is the clearing of your chakras of dross and karma, so you can raise your vibration, and by raising your vibration you raise your consciousness. We pass the 5th initiation and no longer have to come back for any more lives, when our chakras are at 100% light. We do this by clearing the dross from our chakras, and as we do this, karma rises up for release and so facilitates the increase in light in the chakras. It sounds pretty simple and it is. What it requires, is constant conscious effort to clear the chakras.

There is a large contingent who go to workshops, acquire knowledge about the spiritual world and all its branches, belong to lots of spiritual groups, listen to talks and are pretty much out there in the spiritual world. They are being seen, they talk the talk. And this is all perfectly fine and normal. We all do it. But some get caught up in the illusion and  "think" they are working towards their ascension by participating, acquiring knowledge, and knowing what is happening in the wider universal sense. When in fact they are doing absolutely nothing about clearing the dross from their chakras and so from one year to the next they do not take one step closer to their ascension. 

This is a world of illusion, big talk and promises. But, no one can ascend for you. It is your responsibility alone to take charge of your ascension process. 

We are here to offer support, encouragement, tools to help you ascend and to understand the process. But the conscious choice is yours.

So what is the first conscious step. Find out who your Ascension Ascended Master is ( this is a free service from us, just send us your photo). Everyone has one of the Ascended Masters walking them to help them in this process. No longer is it just for the favoured few. The Ascended Masters have stepped up, everyone has an Ascension Master. Your Ascension Master is there to hold your hand and help you towards the goal of not having to come back into body for yet another life.

30th November, 2013

We have a new blog post up on the aura - click here to read it.

27th November, 2013

Hilarion and Serapis Bey are the healers today in the free healing sessions in the Ascended Masters portal. 

Waireti has started to write an article on auras and colour for our next newsletter. As always our articles are completely original, and for this article we all get the benefit of learning from what she see's with her dimensional sight. 
Haha - Don't waste your time lying to her. Lying appears as maroon in the aura instantly when you lie. As I said she see's all. Depression also has this same maroon colour but at the edge of the aura. Colours have different meanings in different parts of the aura.  As she says, the colours can be quite mystifying in their meaning. And confusing. She says Sight doesn't come with a guidebook.

Recently, as I was emailing those requesting to know their Ascension teachers, the Masters commented on how the Masters are now much closer than they were 20 years ago. Everyone now has a Master who walks beside them, mostly their life Masters. And everyone has 5 Masters who watch over them - Soul/Ascension Master, Life / personality Master, mental body Master, emotional body Master, and physical body Master. This is amazing.  The old saying was when the pupil is ready the Master appears. Now the Masters are appearing for all. Too beautiful.

18th November, 2013

The Ascended Master Thomas Merton is leading todays healings. He is a new Ascended Master and this is his first time to lead the healing sessions. I woke in the middle of the night and was aware of him in the portal. Waireti saw him sitting on a blanket. Obviously preparing. So all of you on todays free healing list open you heart to him today so he can connect in a deeper way. Send him your love and support, even Masters have a first time for doing things. Here is a photo of him to the left.

We had an email question. When healing, channelling energy or receiving energy a persons physical body can twitch, jerk or spasm. This is quite common. This occurs when the pranic channels (the channels through which energy flows) are blocked. We may have 7 major chakras, but we have 72,000 nadis in the body. A nadi is a point where these channels cross. The major chakras are major intersection points. So when there is a blockage in any of these channels, a physical effect can occur when energy is flowing into the body.

We suggest Violet Flame oil from the Masters to clear the blockages. It can be applied to energy centres other than the major 7 - some of these minor chakras are both inner wrists, inner elbows, behind the knees, tip of nose, tip of chin, in front of each ear, outer edge of the eyebrows, top of the spine at the back of the head, palm of hands, finger tips, soles of feet, above and below each breast, spleen, core star, soul seat to name a few. 

A few more healing shawls have been added to the store, these are so soft and light, and the colours are delicate. Just beautiful.

17th November, 2013

I was asked an interesting question about chakra spin direction. It was suggested others might want this clarification too.

Which way is clockwise for my chakra to spin, my left? your left? 

My solution is imagine a clock is on a chakra so the face of the clock is looking out to the world. Then you can determine which way is actually clockwise.

The following are observations about spin direction from doingchakra readings with Waireti. Remember she has dimensional vision and see's all. 
  • Most people have clockwise as their healthy spin direction - Of course there are exceptions to most rules. 
  • when a chakra spins opposite to the healthy direction - anti clockwise for most - then the chakra will be out of alignment               either to the left or right of the bodies spine or central line for the higher chakras. If a chakra is spinning anti-clockwise and is aligned then it is just about to go out of alignment or is just returning to alignment.
  • chakras usually go out of alignment in pairs, one to the left and one to the right for balance. For example, if the sacral chakra (relationships) is out of alignment first (therefore anti-clockwise) then another supporting chakra will go out of alignment and give it balance - commonly (solar plexus - self) or heart (love) or throat (communication)
  • we want to see all the chakras aligned and all the chakras spinning in the healthy direction. Then we know the chakras are clearing their dross and karma in a relatively easy way. Anticlockwise and out of alignment means there are struggles occurring.
By the way the spin direction and alignment are a very small aspect of the chakra reading Waireti and I provide.

The Masters are very aware we offer few healings for those who are physically, emotionally and mentally in need of healing. Most of our healings are for ascension. Ascension is the main reason the Masters have created their portal here in New Zealand. 
And they know Waireti and I are only able to do so much in a day. I had been getting for a week or so the Masters wanted to create healing shawls, and then Waireti saw Dom Ignacio put a healing shawl around my son when I was sending him healing one day (the flu) and we then knew Dom Ignacio was leading the call for these shawls. He was joined by Mother Mary to add love and St Germain for change.

These shawls have physical, emotional and mental body healing imprinted into them, along with love from Mother Mary and change from St Germain. After trialling these shawls and seeing how they work, we can see the more the shawl is used the more healing energy is built into the shawl. These shawls can be used by anyone and are for anyone.

We are trialling different suppliers from New Zealand, India, Nepal and China so there will be lots of different shawls appearing till we decide on one or two types. Have a look at what is in the store.

The Ascended Masters Jesus, Pallas Athena, Mary Magdalene, St Germain and Serapis Bey have all indicated they want shawls of their own. How these will work we aren't too sure, but know they are coming.

13th November, 2013

Today's healing in the Ascended Masters portal was led by the Ascended Master Hilarion. He was joined by the Cosmic Masters Ganesh and Ptah.

Waireti was in the portal garden the other day and saw an army of ancient mongolian soldiers marching towards the portal, 5 abreast. They marched into the portal and passed over. They had been earthbound for hundreds of years. This gives you an idea of the one of the many services the Ascended Masters are performing around the word for humanity.

Dom Ignacio has created a new crystal portal. Dom Ignacio’s last life was as a priest - better known as St Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order.  Dom Ignacio is a powerful physical and etheric body healer. Dom Ignacio has made this portal for a working healer. Through this portal he will be working with both the healer and the client to bring about change. He will help with physical, etheric, emotional and mental body healing. He will introduce the healer to the joy of healing. He will open the healer to healing from the heart. And open the healer to a greater level of healing than what they experience now. He will teach them it is possible to ascend through healing. This is a gorgeous amethyst crystal - the photo in no way does it any justice. Read more here.

7th November, 2013

Waireti presented all those wanting healing in the Ascended Masters portal yesterday. She tells me the Masters were waiting for her. St Germain with his arm around the shoulders of Serapis Bey. Both conducted the healing on those being presented. so everyone got a double dose of healing from the Masters!

It is lovely to see the service they perform. 

Part of ascension is service. The Masters never look to see where they are going - rather they walk backwards on their path, helping all of those that come behind them. Service comes from the heart, it is not a head/mind activity. 

We had Osiris, Amaterasu and Sanam Kumara (not Sanat) in the portal over the weekend. They worked together doing their own thing. It is at times like this that we are reminded, the Masters built the portal for themselves - so they could work more closely with humanity. 

31st October, 2013

This Wednesdays healing was given by St John the Baptist and the 1st ray Masters, El Morya, Melchizedek and Thomas Merton.

The goddess Cassiopea has been here recently. Her teaching is.... "See the light (not the darkness) in everyone you meet. When you do this, all interactions come from the heart, there is no judgement."

Try it. When you do this, you will find there is only the now and present moment with each person. Don't be selective - see the light in everyone. It exists. This is how the Masters act - they see everyone as the  Beings of light they are.

27th October, 2013

Sorry for the delay in writing this week, I know many of you read the diary regularly - a friend yesterday called it her portal fix.  I hope you all get to hear AmayahGrace talk today - 9am NZ time - the link is down the page in October 5th's diary entry. She will be teaching the torus technique - a connection technique with the Masters. And also how to find your spiritual name. 

Waireti presented all those who asked for healing to the Masters this week on wednesday. She tells me Jesus and St John were the healers of the day.

The Masters teach us and we can see ourselves - the Higher Self can be and usually is on a different ray to the Ascension or soul ray. So here am I are first ray soul, with a mainly blue aura but my higher self is on the 2nd ray (yellow). Therefore when I become an Ascended Master - then I will be a 2nd ray Master. You might like to meditate with your Higher Self and ask to see the colour of your Higher Self's ray. 

This little piece of knowledge helps us see the Higher self in a more connected way.

21st October 2013

We have the Ascended Masters sleep spray "Good Night" available in the store. 

Good Night is a sleep spray created by the Ascended Masters St John the Baptist, St Germain and Lady Nada in the Ascended Masters portal in New Zealand. The spray is to help you get to sleep and 'to break the patterns of not sleeping. Sleeping is an essential part of the Ascension process.

After trials around the world, these are some of the comments made..

... it stills the mind, so it is easier to fall asleep

... calmly supports and strengthens my energy field

... it has remarkably improved my sleep patterns

... it gives a feeling of safety, and then calm and tranquillity

... it makes me feel very relaxed and I'm in a deep sleep quickly

... I wake up smiling

... my body relaxes

... it's like it takes away what's on my mind

17th October 2013

This weeks healing was led by Kuan Yin. It was a pink and ruby day in the portal. The colours swirling and blending as healing proceeded through the day. Kuan Yin was assisted by Hathor, Lady Nada, Mary Magdalene, Pallas Athena and Isis.

Ascension is the one reason the Masters are coming closer at this time. They built and bought this portal through to this dimension for the purpose of helping humanity in their ascension process. They have made their ascension oils and give their ascension healings for the sole purpose of your ascension....

So I'm thrilled to say we have had another 5th initiation as a result of the Ascended Masters help via their crystal portals, oils and healings. This lovely 2nd ray lady has now left the cycle of rebirth. Phew! What a wonderful feeling to say no more lives and no more karma.

The initiation occurred away from the portal. We have had it confirmed, you don't need to visit the portal to pass the 5th initiation. A relief for those of you out of New Zealand who are using the oils and having the healings and know you are getting close to the 5th initiation ascension.

We now can say we have had five 5th initiations and one 6th initiation, thanks to the Ascended Masters healings, crystal portals, paintings and oils. We know these are early days, before the portal leaves there will be many, many more achieve this same goal.


Courage is an essential element to ascension.  The closer you get to the 5th initiation you will be challenged to face your fears. You don't ascend without courage. Look at all the Masters, they didn't hold back in fear, courage is an aspect of all of their paths. Fear can firmly anchor you, preventing you from ascending.

To the left is the portal painting of the Deva of Courage. The colours of purpose and serenity are merging into one. Courage beings with it a sense of peace and calmness. The Devas are the animating force behind every action.

10th October, 2013

Wednesdays healer in the portal was Melchizedek. He is a 1st ray Master. His aura colours are to the left. 

The Sleep spray from the Masters will be coming soon - we are just getting labels printed. We have had lots of positive feedback - especially about it breaking the cycle of not sleeping. I personally am having brilliant sleeps. Thank you Masters.

A quote from Serapis Bey - "Don't desire, Be and Do."  

Does that sound like a challenge to you?  He is saying Be the Being you are and get out there and make it happen, instead of hoping the universe will provide... Be and Do. One of those steps towards being the Master of our own reality. 

7th October, 2013

What an amazing and Holy day this Sunday! We had the first passing of the 6th initiation at the portal. 

What a power day. The recipient received instructions to be here before dawn. 

The dawn came with the Seraphim (first time in the portal) singing in the dawn and laying the vibrational energy for the initiation. Then came Metatron, Osiris, Omri-tas and Arcturus - a nice little power group. But they were all encompassed in the energy of Omega. 

It was a great honour to be present and witness the ascension. We now know what happens. And I will share it with you. we all are learning together.

As you know when the fifth initiation is upon you, Papatuanuku (Mother Earth) cuts the cord of the Earth Star and the Father energy creates a celestial star to replace the earth star - this allows the person who has left the cycle of rebirth to remain in body. My article on "Demystifying Ascension"gives a clear and detailed picture of what happens and why. So at the 6th - the Celestial star leaves the body of the Mother Earth completely and moves to above the 12th chakra. It then becomes like a capstone on the cha