June 24th 2014 - Archangel Michael, Missions, Shawls, Linda

 This Wednesday's healing day with the Ascended Masters was led by Lady Nada and Hilarion. They were joined by Ptah and the Japanese god Susanóo. The major focus of this weeks healing is healing the Inner Child. Within the healing process the Masters are addressing personal truth as the story can make the reality appear greater than any event. Also they are addressing the inner child as the warrior not the victim, and addressing the release of the inner storms that rage in many.

A powerful healing day. 

The healing symbol above was the first digital channeled piece I received from the Masters, it was a training piece from the Masters. The Masters have layered the healing into this graphic. Print it off to use as you like. It is 300dpi. This channeling came before I met Waireti and we started our mission with the Ascended Masters.

Let's talk first about spiritual Missions. Many of you have a higher purpose, a mission that you are here to fulfill. You will know, suspect, or still be waiting for the awareness to arrive. It isn't enough to wait for the mission to arrive, or let your ego get in the way - there needs to be preparation on your part. For Waireti and myself our preparation meant getting to a certain level of ascension for our energies to be clear enough for the Masters to begin to work with us. We had to work on both being grounded and yet able to take off into other realms at a moments notice. Being grounded means opportunities aren't missed, signs are seen, connections are made, people are met and recognised. I wish the protection grids had been around back then, life would have been so much easier, instead we both had numerous battles with the dark side, trying to stop us, both in the physical and on other levels.

So how can the Masters help you, how can they make your preparations for your mission easier? Here are a few examples...

  • Protection grid - this will keep any psychic and dimensional attacks away, the dark side does not want anyone of the light to succeed
  • Grounding oil - to keep you present and in your body
  • El Morya - an excellent Master to keep you focused, so many loose track of their mission
  • Astral, mental and emotional body healings - the clearer your energies are the clear you will receive guidance from all levels
  • Violet Flame oil - to help clear the dross form the chakras so karma can be released, so your vibration rises.

Waireti is talking this week about a few things, instead of writing she is talking to me and I am writing for her -

Archangel Michael is in the portal a lot these days working. Also I have noticed a an increase in his presence with children - enough of a rise for me to take notice. He is there to protect them and assist them in their young lives. Archangel Michael is a protector angel and a fighter of battles. If your child sees an angel, Michael has black hair and dark eyes, two white wings and he carries a long silver coloured  sword. If your child is having a tough time at home, at school, when they sleep tell them they can call on Archangel Michael. Archangel Michel leads the team that builds the protection grids.

I also want to mention road side shrines, as I was  driving the other day, I noted a shrine on the side of the road to someone who had died there in a road accident. The unusual energy of the flowers caught my attention and then I saw 8 Masters appear, letting me know this was a topic they wanted mentioned. When someone builds a shrine at the side of the road and maintains it, they are creating an energy that holds the deceased here on a specific level. They are doing the person who has passed over a disservice in their next incarnation, because they are maintaining the ties and holding them here in the old life while they are beginning a new life. The deceased is being divided between two lives. For example when a person dies at ninety they will have lost many people in those ninety years, some of those people may have had 3 lives in those 90 years, so to energetically hold onto someone is to do them a disservice in those three lives. Letting go is such an important part of the cycle of death and rebirth.

Honour the life, but don't damage the soul - there is a difference.

Waireti talks often about death and rebirth, she has mentioned many times over the years how she has seen a person take their last breath in one life and take their first breath in their new life, no rest. And yet others get to rest for 20 years or more, an aunt and my grandmother both had many years of rest before they came to me to tell me they were being reborn and where. So look at those you know who have passed over, and be sure to gently let them go with love. And to those who are young, be sure to honour them not as the child they are by as a soul who has had many lives and once more returns on the wheel of rebirth.

One of our soon to be 5th initiates Linda from the United Kingdom sent me an email, but I realised she was talking to all of you, not me. So with a bit of editing on my part, I have posted an abridged version below

When I first started with Ascended Masters, I got very frustrated, I am one of those who doesn't feel energies.  I nearly left the Ascended Masters, and did have a break for a short while.  Having left for a short time, I suddenly felt a very deep sense of loss, my daughter was worried about me, I didn't know where to turn, and she said, bite the bullet mum and go back, you belong there.  So I did, and realised that the darker forces had been trying to get me to turn away from ascension. There had been other incidents of this. So one of the first things I did was to have a protection grid installed and that stabilised me, so I could begin to see the wood from the trees!

We all have subtle abilities.  I realised one of mine was Telepathy.  I have to tell you, that whatever stage you have reached, and however little you may know, you too will have an ability of some sort, you just have to have confidence, and recognition, it just comes to you one day.  So I have now reconciled myself to knowing that I will never be able to feel energies, we are all different and require different things. 

I'm thinking of starting a facebook page where all those who work with the Ascended Masters and us here at the portal can talk to each other. As everyone ascends with the Ascended Masters and their healings, a support group of peers will be needed. If any of you have great facebook abilities send me an email with suggestions, to me it's a bit of a mine field.

Another email I received today was from a lady who has passed the 5th initiation in the States. She had a healing shawl, but sadly it was left in a hotel bed and has not been returned to her. So she bought another healing shawl from us. She was surprised how the new healing shawl felt so much different to the first shawl. Haha - of course. The Masters are masters of change! Wairetis healing shawl feels completely different to mine, of course to me mine feels so much better than hers. Haha and she will say hers feels so much nicer than mine. All the healing shawls when you look at them on the website have a base energy, but once you receive them they will adjust to your energy. And also the base energies are different, one will suit you more than others. If you look at the healing shawls, as an exercise, go through them one by one and see which vibration feels best for you - you will be surprised at the differences in vibration, even though the base healing line is the same. Those of you who have a single shawl for family use will find the energy of the shawls adjust to the energy of the collective group.  This is one of the reasons healers need a work shawl for all their clients and a personal shawl just for their own use, as a personal shawl will adjust to their energy, otherwise the energy of the shawl will stay as part of a collective.