Mother Earth and Free books

Mother Earth

Many of you wonderful people are kindly helping our Mother Earth (Papatuanuku) by healing her body, clearing her energy, clearing her ley lines, and much more. Recently I had a beautiful experience with Papatuanuku (the Mother Earth). While clearing a small location with some High Initiates, we humbly asked her for her permission to do this clearing on a small part of her body. She gave us permission interlaced with gentle love and gratitude for asking. This simple act of respect made a huge difference in the depth of and the energy outcome.

Free books

We all have a belief system and knowledge base. These are different for each person. Some beliefs we hold onto and some we let go as we pick up others. We respect this. As we ascend, there comes a time when we need to let go of limiting beliefs that hold us back. The Masters, through their teaching (my writing), are trying to expand the understanding of those ascending. This might mean putting aside a few beliefs for some or maybe filling in the blanks for others. I know some of you read what I have written from the Masters and feel it is beyond comprehension, and others feel like a light bulb just got turned on, and they can’t get enough. In the Archive section, I have 10 books for free download. These are a compilation of past diary entries of the Masters’ teachings. I tried to make it easy to read, relatable, and easy to understand with a touch of humour. The rest of the Alpha Imaging website brings everything together under different headings.

If you are consciously ascending, I suggest you read my article on the Higher Self. There are many pitfalls on the ascension path; an understanding of the origin and ascension of your Higher Self is important to ensure you navigate towards your ascension.

Until July’s newsletter, Namaste.