Verna Maruata's Ascended Masters Diary - January-April 2014

14th April, 2014

Sorry for the late diary entry. We are working to create a new format for the diary, in which we can archive posts. Till we get that sorted, hopefully in the next day or so, here is my latest blog post on the 38 Masters standing as Soul ray Masters. click here.

Last weeks healing was with Pallas Athena, Lady Nada, Hathor and Isis, plus one person received healing from Mary Magdalene.

2nd April, 2014

Learning comes from many sources - we have two baby cats - about 5 and 6 months old. The girl is a little 3rd ray cat, she is soft, quiet and gentle with the sweetest nature. The 1st ray boy puts the word boy into boisterous. The Masters bought my attention to their different natures and said "people are like this, all different natures, different rays, but all given exactly what they need to ascend in this life. No personality is greater or lesser on the ascension path'. Some of you find it hard to accept you are beautiful and self berate yourselves over imperfections, believing you are meant to talk, act and think in a certain way. I don't know where this belief system came from that those ascending have to be quiet and unassuming. So not true, be yourself. For trying to be something you aren't will put the brakes on your ascension. The boisterous personalities can ascend just as fast at the soft and gentle ones.

We have had our first free animal healing session with Kuthumi - the smallest a bird, the largest a horse- and everything in between. Kuthumi came into the portal and I presented each animal to him for healing. He enclosed them all in an energy field and then sat in meditation sending them all healing. The animals all settled into stillness around him. Beautiful. If you want your pet/ animal included in this free healing - contact us .  The healing occurs on the first day of each month - each animal is submitted for 10 months.

And today was free healing day for those that have requested to be on the free healing list. The Masters this week were from each of the 7 rays. St John the Baptist - 1st ray, Jesus - 2nd ray, Kuan Yin - 3rd ray, Serapis Bey - 4th ray, Hilarion - 5th ray, Pallas Athena - 6th ray, St Germain - 7th ray. And then Dom Ignacio stepped forward to lend his stunning voice to the healing. It is wonderful the Masters are starting to include sound in the healing session. 

Okay lets wander through the teachings of the week along with things I have noted to talk about. This is a long one - be warned.

I often get asked whats the difference between the 4th, 5th  and 6th initiations. Well quite a bit, but as always the Masters can bring the complicated down to the easily understood. Ascension is all about clearing of karma. Up till the 5th initiation when you leave the cycle of rebirth the emphasis is on clearing your own karma - for you can't have one drop of karma left in your chakra when you pass the 5th initiation. When this happens your chakras are perfected.  So up till the 5th initiation your focus is to clear your own karma. After the 5th, when you have left the cycle of rebirth, then your focus changes to clearing the karma of all your dimensional lives. That is your focus. The karma of your dimensional lives is cleared through your perfected chakra system - this clearing happens at a rate fast than clearing your own karma - thanks to those beautiful shinning chakras you will then have. After the 6th initiation, when all the karma of all your dimensional lives is cleared, and your Higherself has become an Ascended Master and is anchored in your physical body, then the focus is no longer on you and yours - rather the Higherself, then focuses on the external world. Anyone entering the rather large energy field of the Higherself in body, then receives the gift of some of their karma being cleared by the Master in a body. So the 6th initiation is about clearing the karma of others.  

We ascend through our chakras by the clearing of our karma, first ours, then our dimensional lives and then in service the clearing of the karma of those around us. The Ascended Masters out of body can't do this only those Masters in a physical body. This is one of the reasons the Masters are here to help in the ascension process, because those who pass the 6th can help with ascension in a unique way.

But let me be honest here. It isn't fun, it isn't easy. Passing others karma through your system for clearing means you often feel out of sorts, a little out of balance, illness can occur - but being a Master in body this can be dealt with fairly quickly. An example, I was driving a few weeks back and came to a roundabout, the man in the car crossing my path turned and looked me in the eye. And with the look some of his karma was transferred to me. |It took about an hour to move it to the stage it didn't feel incredibly uncomfortable. This is a daily occurrence. Those of you who come to me for healing, always get a little karma loss before the session begins. We aren't talking huge karma, because most karma is yours to pay, but little karma's are taken from you.

As I said in a previous entry - there are only about 35-40 Ascended Masters working with people via their rays. You can see with so few why they need help, why they want more feet on the ground. There is no reason if you are reading this that you can't be one of those that pass the 6th initiation. Know ascension at first becomes about helping yourself leave the cycle of rebirth, then it becomes about helping your dimensional lives,(your extended family) and then it becomes about helping others.

A few have asked over the last month or so about protection grids for children - is it okay? - will the Masters do it? Yes. The Masters are building into protection grids for children an upgrade system. A child of two will need a different type of grid to a 14 year old - so the Masters ensure the grid is upgraded as the vibration of the child changes. As always - under the age of 14 the parents are deemed to be the caregiver of the child. But at 14 years, they are no longer a child and are deemed to be coming into their power and so must decide for themselves regarding any service provided by the Ascended Masters. You can read more here - click here.

For those of you who don't know where the Sacred Heart is I repeat a technique I wrote up a little while back. The Sacred heart is an essential part of the ascension process. Here is a technique we have come up with.

AmayahGrace says "There is a part of you that knows exactly where both the Sacred Heart and Holy heart are". 
And of course AmayhGrace is right. Our higher self is connected to the Sacred heart, it must be so.  

Try this technique.

Go into a meditative breathe.

Take your attention or awareness to your physical heart, feel it beating.

Then take your attention to your heart chakra. No preconceived ideas just bring your awareness into this space.

Then raise your awareness to the space in your body just above your heart chakra, no preconceived ideas, no expectations - just be. Just sit in this space with awareness. This is the Sacred Heart. Do this daily. In time when you have passed the 4th initation allow your inner knowing to move you through the Sacred Heart to the Holy Heart - this is the pathway to the 5th initiation. 

Thanks to all who bought the healing shawls and emailed " So much better than the photo." You can see photography isn't my talent. I am hoping to upgrade to a system that will enlarge the photos for you to see the pictures more clearly.  

And lastly I want to address the issue of electricals blowing out. Many of you might over your ascension process have experienced or are experiencing, or will experience a blow out of your electricals, ie light bulbs, stereo, car electrics. This is nothing to be afraid of. This is just your vibration reaching a frequency that reacts with your electrical units. It doesn't last for long. Your vibration will rise more and this will stop happening - it is annoying and can be expensive - but know it is actually you. Take it as sign your vibration is rising.

26th March, 2014

Free healing day again. Thomas Merton appeared before me - not in form but in his colours of blue and violet. With him were Melchizedek and El Morya, again only in their energetic colours. "You will know us by our colours." So true. Here it is Wednesday and the healing still continues as they work through the healing list of over 150 people. The common response when I tell people their 4-5 months of healing with the Masters on healing day is complete, is to tell me they will miss the special connection that comes each Wednesday. The act of Waireti or I bringing each person into the Ascended Masters portal for healing greatly increases the connection between  the Master and client - being in the portal creates a truly special event.

A common theme through many of my emails over the years has been abundance. Following the general drift of I don't have it, how do I get it? and then then not so pleasant but very rare, how dare you charge for your services. Haha. We all have our beliefs but why do they have to be so rude about it, the emails are always packed with a negative punch - ouch.

Anyway, I little while back I wrote a little on abundance - bringing in the keywords - "Faith" "Trust" - I'm going to add a few more words later - but first I am going to share with you a letter I received from a lady in the UK who is flying through the initiations with us and is close to the 5th initiation. This is the initiation where we leave the cycle of rebirth for good. And one of the reasons the Ascended Masters portal exists - to help you all leave the cycle of rebirth. Phew - no more coming back. Anyway I get off track. This British lady has said to us repeatedly, she has no ability to see or feel energy - so much of her work with us has been on her trust and faith in us. I'm sure many of you can relate to what she writes...

Here is an abridged version of her letter to Waireti and me. 

When my husband died just over six years ago, I was at my lowest ebb, due to the sheer stress of my whole family being alcoholics and having to look after them all.   I worried about what was too come.  I didn't have a penny to my name!

Towards the beginning of last year I 'found myself ' at the doorway of The Ascended Masters Portal on the Internet.  To this day, I have no concept of how I found it, now I am starting to think one of the Masters must have drawn my attention to it.  My first memories were of my sending for my free healing and the Free Reading on my Ascension Master, (Soul Master then).

I was disappointed with my Ascension Master, Mother Mary, for me that had a nasty connotation of a Catholic School I had to go to, and I wasn't a catholic.  Master Hilarion I found I was my Life Teacher and Dimension Teacher.  Now this is one Master I did know, I had come across him 30 years before and I was aware of him a lot, and had felt close to him for a long time.

Somehow I knew this was the right pathway for me, again, I was back on the path. Money was still very tight, and still is.  I was feeling that it was still the right path for me.

I still had doubt's - should I, shan't I. Then I thought, how stupid, you shouldn't even be having to think about it.  If you give out, then you will also receive back.  If you trust and have faith, if the Masters want you to do it, they know all about you, so they will make it so that you can afford to do it, what is the point otherwise!

I started with the Ascended Masters site when I was between my second and third Initiation.  In 10 months I had passed  the 4th initiation, and hopefully the 5th in a few more months.

I have managed to pay for everything exactly as and when I needed it, I haven't a clue how, but somehow the exact amount of money has ended up in my savings. It is all about trust and faith in what you are doing.

A few days ago, I thought to myself, I must look at the Diary again on the Alpha Imaging website. As I looked, suddenly those words jumped out at me,
You Verna, wrote the following:

“When you cease to desire abundance, when you forget about it, when you live in the moment and when you truly trust and have faith that all your needs will be met – then abundance will arrive”
This is heart knowledge, not head fear.

I got the same words as you when I started with you all in New Zealand – Trust and Faith.

Those words have inspired me to write this.  

I have also had a feeling for a little while that one of the masters wants me to do this writing or teaching or something akin to it, as practice, maybe for what is to come, who knows, just have to be patient and wait.  It is a very gentle feeling, which sounds like Master Mother Mary.

So this is to show that it can be done.  

Thank you for sharing from your heart. I sincerely appreciate all the emails I get from everyone sharing their experiences. Don't feel I'm too busy, it's okay to share. My response might be brief, but you are all heard.

To expand on my writing on Abundance...

When we have something, it is ours. And because it is already ours we cease to desire it. The arrival removes the desire. So I am saying, when you know and trust that what you desire is yours, then it must arrive.

“When you cease to desire abundance, when you forget about it, when you live in the moment and when you truly trust and have faith that all your needs will be met – then abundance will arrive”.

We have moved into the "knowing" before the arrival. "Know" it and it must be so. In the knowing you have dismissed doubt, you have dismissed fear. This knowing comes from the heart. The fear and doubt comes from the mind. 

The movement from the head to the Heart is the ascension journey. It is only when we move into our Sacred Heart and then our Holy Heart, and manifest our lives from this space that we truly begin to understand ascension. It is your Life, manifest from the Heart. 

"Your Hearts desire" - what does your heart desire, not your head, your heart.

21st March, 2014

The Ascended Masters Jesus, Melchizedek and Hilarion presided over the  Healing day this week. Jesus was there for Joy - how many of you go day after day without a spark of joy. Hilarion worked with truth - inner truth, one of the greatest sadness in the world is when we lie to ourselves. How can anyone ascend without living in personal truth, and Melchizedek was there for perseverance. Many of you need this trait to move forward - persevere with your endeavours. Don't give up. If you want to receive free healing just email us a photo. Don't submit anyone else without their permission please.Contact Us

Adding to the free healing service we offer - Kuthumi has requested we start up a free healing session once a month for pets/animals. We say pets and animals because this includes those animals that aren't pets like one of your live stock. I saw him sitting in meditation surrounded by animals. He was very clear, the free healing regime will be for 1 hour duration. He will send healing once a month on a given day. Your pet / animal will stay on the healing list for 10 months and then the sessions will cease for that pet/animal. He then asks the owner waits another 10 months before resubmitting them again for free healing. Pretty simple - I'm looking at the 1st of every month. So if you are interested send a photo of your pet/animal. Contact Us

We have had a visit from an unknown Master, she came to work with a young man who has passed the 6th initiation. She reappeared again recently for us to learn more about her. Her aura is a turquoise green spiral, accented by white fill. She didn't present in any way other than her colours. She is a 5th ray goddess, but not of our planetary system. She seemed to feel there was an awareness of her in this system, but this isn't where she normally works. She told us she was here to work with all those who pass the 6th initiation, in their process of balancing and aligning their god and goddess energies at that level. This is done at each initiation, but as we ascend each step is refined and refined into perfection. A name? still working on it. 

My double crown has returned- and with it a higher level of knowledge. I’m sure you noticed this with the article on the Dimensional lives. When I have time I will update the other articles. For those of you who are new to the site – I had 2 crown chakras – one for the Masters to utilise in purity and one for me. Since I passed the 6th initiation these went. They have now come back, upgraded for my new vibration. 

I get asked questions all the time about why some of the content here, usually about the Ascended Masters, differs from that of others who are held in high regard in the spiritual community. Here is part of an email I sent regarding the latest comment I received with additions I've added for a wider reading audience.

There is much conflicting information out in the world about the Ascended Masters, either in books or on the internet. This conflicting information can be so confusing. Much of what is written is not original. Information is repeated from publication to publication without verification, and so irregularities are repeated -  the repeating in some way gives the information validation. And so what is not correct becomes a truth. If its printed, the likelihood is, most people will take it as truth, especially if the person is well known and respected. 

When we first started to work with the Masters here at the portal - we came with all our previous knowledge. The Masters quickly showed us some of what we knew, having read from previous sources, was incorrect. And while we respect all our previous sources, we also knew that to work with the Masters we had to trust what they told us. So we asked them to teach us. 

Their first directive was "You will know us by our colours." Each Master stepped forward and showed us their colours. We wrote them down, drew some, you will see them on this website.  They taught us about the rays and the colours of the rays and the masters with each ray. And then the variations in colours within the ray and what it all meant. This is turning into years of teaching. Most of what you find on this website is totally original  - in that we only post what we have seen in the portal with our own dimensional sight or been taught by the Masters directly and not from elsewhere. 

We respect everyone's right to their own belief system. 

I'm sure many people read what we write and think "oh that isn't right, I read different elsewhere." So our original content don't stand much of a chance. Haha. (Hence the emails from people trying to re-educate us). But then we aren't competing or trying to convince anyone. We write what we see and are taught. If what we write sits with your inner truth, perfect and if not, blessings on your journey, we honour your right to seek the truth that sits with your inner knowing.

13th March, 2014


Wednesday was a beautiful healing day. Dom Ignacio led the healing and he was accompanied by four Archangels - Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. All five of them sang the healing. It was stunning! This is what they do in the Astral Healing, either an Ascended Master or an Archangel uses the energetic vibration of their stunning voices to 

to help shatter the grit and dross in the astral body. During this healing the Master and Archangels were working on all the bodies, not just the astral. Dom Ignacio has a stunning voice, but then he is of Angelic origin. 

The Masters promote an Astral healing with Waireti , the Masters for several reasons - one to remove all the grid that accumulates in the astral body - this is formed every time you visit the astral plane, have a creative thought, take drugs of any type to name a few examples. The grit in the astral body then forms a barrier. Your guides are beyond the astral body and so often find it hard to communicate through this debris. The astral grit barrier can then contributes to depression, feelings of being alone, physical, emotional and mental illness. It is amazing how clear and clean you feel after this clearing session.

We've had a few questions come in re the Dimensional lives article. I have added them into the article. It is a complex topic. 

Other questions that were asked this week - Can our rays change in our life time? we have observed instances. We have seen a person's soul ray move from the 5th ray (green) to the 3rd ray (pink). From memory this took a couple of years to occur. The rays don't change over night. First the soul ray was just green, then it started to get pink in it and then it was 50/50 for a while and then one chakra reading we noted it was completely pink. So a process. The other rays we have not noted a change, but then we haven't been looking at that level. The other time the rays change is at the 6th initiation, and then over the space of a couple of weeks all the rays turn to the colour of the ray of the Higher Self.

9th March, 2014

The article on Dimensional Lives is available in the article section.

On the Home page we have a new running total for ascension of those using the Ascended Masters products (that we know of). This total is changing quite rapidly now.

15 have passed the 4th initiation.... 8 have passed the 5th initiation ..... and 3 (nearly 4) have passed the 6th initiation.

And we have new crystal portals online - Isis, Pallas Athena, and a Mother Mary one that is yet to be photographed. It is quite small, pocket size.

7th March, 2014
The Masters healing this Wednesday were all from the 2nd ray – Lao Tze, Jesus and lord Lanto. It was a day of joy and lightness of being . I hope you all of you on the healing list got a good dose of Joy.

Today we have Metatron, Osiris and Susan’oo – working together. They generate a nice does of power out to humanity as a trio.

The Jesus Love and Life shawls are back.  Click here.

I have nearly completed the Dimensional Lives article, thank you to all the beta readers and the wonderful insightful questions you came up with.  This helped improve the article greatly. If I have responded directly the questions are in the article itself.

We have two additions to our Portal family – Cree and Onyx – two 5 month old rescue kittens. They called to Waireti for several days to come find them, and with guidance from the Masters, where to find them became simple. We stood amongst about 30 kittens and cats and were overwhelmed by the calls. So I said the ones for us had to come and sit at my feet. And there was Cree, our little ginger. She is a 3rd ray soul and has the gentlest nature. Onyx, a pure black, and 1st ray soul, was in a cage, but once released made it know he was “our” portal cat. And let’s just say that cheeky mouse is no longer sunbathing on the deck!

We had some visitors to the portal and one of the comments was we weren’t what was expected. Ascension is a serious business and that is the way we are expected to be. Don’t think we are quiet and devout like in a monastery, and talk in quiet voices – haha. That’s not us. We laugh, can be loud and are ourselves. AmayahGrace put on facebook last week a quote she saw when walking along a street – “Be yourself, everyone else is taken”. And that was ascension is about. Be yourself as you ascend. Don’t try and be what you think you should be, or act how you think you should act.  Just be you – and in this truth, you will ascend a lot faster. Pretending to be something you aren’t will slow your ascension process down quite nicely.

We recently received some feedback on the protection grid from a lady in Canada. She has been using the oils for some time but only recently decided to get the Masters Protection Grid. This is what she had to say about it.

"All I am going to say is I feel like a different person now.  I have to get to know myself again, to get to know the real me. I am much calmer and balanced.  What ever the grid has done has made a big difference. I am finding I am even sleeping better and deeper too.  This is a great opportunity for now I will be able to get some work done and also connect to spirit on a more balanced and stable level now. I can't wait to see what happens next, what a gift this is, a gift of peace of mind." 

Change of topic - we continuously get emails about Paypal and postage - For those of you buying via us for the first time and are not in New Zealand, please note Paypal requires you to put in your correct country. Paypal wants to know you are who you say you are. So be sure on the first page of the store to tick all the correct boxes. If you are out of New Zealand all purchases are tax free, so again be sure to tick the correct country even for a healing, otherwise if you leave it at the default New Zealand, you will be charged tax. 
And for all of you new to the website, we have a fixed shipping cost of NZ$13 anywhere in the world regardless of the order size. Also we have free shipping if you combine healings and products.

26th February, 2014

Sorry for not putting up a post last week, I know some of you look out for it. 

Last week was a white healing day - the Masters of the 4th ray Serapis Bey, Amen Bey and the goddess Inanna presided over the healing. This week it is a pink day - Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Mary Magdalene are giving each person presented for healing 15-20 minutes with them.

The numbers continue to rise with those passing the high initiations - 8 have now passed the 5th initiation using the Ascended Masters products and healings and we know of 14 who have passed the 4th initiation with us. So beautiful. If you feel you have passed the 5th initiation, but aren't sure, just ask us, and we will look and verify.

I'm sure many of you have heard the old saying "When the student is ready, the Master appears." Over the last few years we have observed, the Masters stepping forward to be with every single person on the planet - the Masters have appeared for each one of you, regardless if you are ready, awakened, or not. This takes away the idea of the favoured few - everyone is favoured, everyone is loved, everyone is supported, everyone is watched over - regardless of who you are and where you are on your ascension path.

One of the questions I was asked this week - was Jesus and other Ascended Masters leaving humanity to work on other assignments. No, Jesus is standing beside me - the answer is a firm and resounding no. These are the times of ascension, the Masters are committed to helping humanity Ascend. They are not going anywhere, they are too busy standing beside you, helping you to leave. Jesus is one of the busiest Ascended Masters of these times, he walks with many, as does St John the Baptist, Serpais Bey and Pallas Athena to name a few who stand with so many.

Think of it in these terms - there are over 7 billions people on the planet - and about 35 Ascended Masters stand as Ascension ( soul ray) teacher, Life (personality ray)Teacher, Mental body ray teacher, Emotional body ray teacher, Physical body ray teacher and Dimensional teacher - that is a huge amount of work for so few. They put a whole new awareness into being omni-present. The Masters are relying on all of you who pass the 6th initiation in this life time to step forward as their feet on the ground. There is much work ahead for those who are passing the higher initiations.

Now to change the subject, for those of you who are using the 7 Ascension flame series - you do need to complete the series before you pass the 5th initiation. After the 5th initiation, your 7 major chakras are perfected and no longer function as they once did. The Ascension oils are a great help between the 5th and 6th initiations, so having used them before the 5th is an advantage. The5 Hidden Flame oil is for after the 5th initiation and in not applied to the chakras.

I've nearly finished an article on dimensional lives, AmayahGrace proof read it for me and came up with a few questions about understanding. If a couple of you would like to read it for me before it goes online. I want to know if I have covered all bases.  I want to know if there are any questions that arise on dimensional lives that I could answer in the article, but have missed. I would appreciate the help.  Just email me if you are interested - you 5th rays are great at this.

We have some new healing shawls up online - all cashmere and so soft. My healing shawl is cashmere and I must confess to sleeping with it - brilliant for those headaches that seem to be part of ascension for some of us. I can be seen walking around with a healing shawl turban from time to time. A new fashion look.

We have new crystal portals ready - Dom Ignacio and Ganesh are online - both are for healing. And I just took the photos this morning of  crystal portals from Isis, Mother Mary and Pallas Athena. I hope to get them online today.

Respect has been a topic that came up last week. There is a free Deva of Respect portal on the website if you want to copy it and print it. Unlike the other prints the free ones have a higher dpi for printing. Respect - another common saying is Respect needs to be earned. Not so - respect is the the right of everyone and everything just because they exist. Print off the print and put it in your home or office. Help the Deva of Respect, ignite respect in all those around you.

13th February, 2014

Healing day this week was just gorgeous! the 7 Chohans of each ray stepped forward - they looked like a rainbow of colour, At first I thought it was white Tara standing there in her rainbow, but the colours separated and 7 masters stepped forward. El Morya (1st ray- blue), Lord Lanto (2nd ray - yellow), St Paul the Venetian (3rd ray, it is rare to see him on healing day- pink), Serapis Bey (4th ray- white), Hilarion (5th ray - green), Lady Nada (6th ray - purple) and St Germain (7th ray - violet). They indicated they would all be working as a group so they worked with each person receiving healing as a group. A great honour!

A few things have come up this week all very diverse, so we will jump all over the place.

The 6th initiation has completed for Waireti and myself. In terms of looking at the aura the following changes have occurred, the blue skin around the ehteric body has changed to silver, the etheric body itself is still blue. The soul seat is now only a ghost image of its former self - the soul having been taken up by the Higher Self in the union between Higher and lower self. A white border has appeared at the edge of the aura. This is the identifying mark of the Great White Brotherhood. The disc still spins above the crown chakra.

I want to make it clear in this process - Verna is still the lower self, and the Higher Self (no name as yet has been given) now takes over the ascension process. So the aura, the white band etc, the disc are all a reflection of the Higher Self, not Verna. In time the Higher Self will come more and more to the fore. Remember Verna (as are you) is only a construct of the Higher Self for a single life, just as all past lives have been single constructs for those single lives. But collectively all contribute to the soul and its recording of the lower self that was Verna's past lives. In knowing this, it de-personalises the ascension process, controls the ego and allows the letting go and surrender that must occur as part of this process. 

Okay, topic change. There has been a bit of confusion around Ascension Masters and Life Masters. We incarnate on 5 rays - Ascension ray (also known as soul ray), Life ray (also known as personality ray), Mental body ray, Emotional body ray and Physical body ray. These rays are each one of the 7 rays with their corresponding colours and lessons-

  • 1st ray -blue and red - God's will and power
  • 2nd ray - yellow - Wisdom and Joy
  • 3rd ray - pink - Unconditional love
  • 4th ray - white - Harmony through conflict
  • 5th ray -green and orange - healing, knowledge and truth
  • 6th ray - purple, ruby and gold - the ray of the goddess and of devotion
  • 7th ray - violet - change, transmutation

The ascension ray has the lessons we need for our higher purpose and Ascension - the other 4 rays are for our Life and our life lessons. So your two major Masters are you Ascension ray Master and Life ray Master. Many of you will feel closer to your life Master than Ascension Master. As this is an Ascension site, and the Masters are here to help humanity in their ascension process - we promote the Ascension Masters more. That is why we tell you we your Ascension Master is as one of our free service. If you want to know your life Master we do this via a 5 ray reading. The Masters knowing how close many of you feel to your Life Master, and know you need comfort and support in your life, they have created Life and Love shawls.

If you want to know your Ascension Master send us a clear, recent photo, with space above the head via our Contact Page

Topic change - Waireti has been talking about the Astral body clearing crystals this week. As part of the ascension process between the 5th and 6th initation, all bodies must be clear of every little bit of dross - the bodies must be 100% light. The Masters have created self cleaning astral clearing crystals. Just place by the bed and they clear the Astral body as you sleep. When the astral body is clear the guides and Masters can communicate, support and connect in a clearer  way. They are brilliant and have seriously help us in our ascension process.

6th February, 2014

Lady Nada, stood alone in the portal for healing day on Wednesday. So each of you that were submitted for healing received a one on one healing session from her throughout the day.

I have just been writing an email about the physical body and I knew the Masters wanted me to say the same things here. Some things are known by everyone, and yet in the saying, the knowing is remembered.

God created our physical body as our vehicle for living. Our soul returns life after life into a new body created just for us.

He/She is our vehicle to Live life, to enjoy life. The body was made so we can enjoy living - we can smell, see, breathe, walk, talk, taste - and with this vehicle we can enjoy Papatuanuku (our Mother Earth) who sustains us through this life experience.

Know this vehicle was created to house your beautiful soul while in body. And for that alone, honour the body - respect it as the Holy receptacle he/she is.

But know most of all, the body is a gift for us to LIVE.

How many of you consciously Live your life in your body? or do you just exist in him/her.

When we exist in our body, our body knows. When we dislike our body, our body knows. When we leave it and are ungrounded, our body knows. When we disrespect our body, our body knows.

If you can't give your body what it needs, why should he/she give you what you need. 

Respect, honour and cherish your body - he/she will know. 

4th February, 2014

A few questions were asked this week by readers and clients and I thought I would put them here. If one person is unsure, then so are others.

You say Jesus as imprinted this shawl  what does that mean?

So all these shawls are imprinted in the Ascended Masters portal. Click here to read more about the portal.

The portal, which is in brief, a space the Masters have created to cross planes and dimensions and is anchored here in our physical world in New Zealand. The creation of the portal allows them to work with anything or anyone that exists in the physical, within the confines of the portal. So this includes items like the shawl, and people who we energetically bring into the portal in a healing session. Imprinting then is the act of the Master putting an energy into an object. With the shawls, the Masters are putting their Love into the shawl, and also a Life ray component for each person. The portal is a real gift to humanity. 
You can read more about the portal - click here.

The next question - it was mainly about the shawl photos on January 6th and the energy produced.

Just to clarify, The Masters energised the shawls in a huge way for the photo.