Violet Flame Candle and Deva Crystal portals

I want to share this exciting review we received for the Violet Flame Candle.

“I’ve been working with the products from the Masters here for 8 years. This violet flame candle is truly amazing! I had been sitting with an intense emotional issue for several hours. The pain was old and very lodged into my heart and body. I had journaled, used clearing techniques and yet the energy was still stuck and overwhelming. The ‘A-ha’ moment finally popped in to go sit with the Violet Flame candle. I opened my heart and just allowed the pain to come forward and in minutes, the energy had completely shifted and I felt lighter. Thank you for this beautiful gift of fire and the violet flame. The combination allows energy to move in an effortless manner. Simply a blessing.”

It is wonderful to see all the different ways the Violet Flame Candle is being utilised.

Deva Crystal portals

One of the seventh initiates came to me recently with a clearing they are working on. They felt the Devas could help, and they requested a Deva Crystal Portal. The Masters were happy to facilitate this. What then unfolded for me was truly beautiful. I went into the Ascended Masters portal with my request, and I was taken to a vast hall of light. There were many energies moving around the hall. The colours were soft and soothing. The Masters introduced me to a vast Devic Being who towered over me. He indicated he would be happy to be the intermediary with the millions of Devic types that exist. What an honour to stand in the energy of this beautiful being and know he is willing to help humanity in this way.

Devas exist throughout creation, they are the animating force of all creation. The easiest physical example is the Salamander. The Salamander is the spark of creation that brings fire into existence. And then there are the ones we are focused on for ascension and life issues such as love, compassion, peace, serenity, forgiveness etc. And then there are the less considered ones like worthiness, remembering, abundance, and gratitude. What do you lack in your life? What do you need to be the person you want to be, for yourself, for others, and for your ascension?