Wednesday 24th December 2014

This is my last diary entry for 2014. The next entry will be around January 7th 2015.

Thank you for sharing this past year with us. Waireti and I have as always met so many people through the year, some briefly, some we have got to know well and others old faces, continuing their ascension journey with us. And some of you come to read and just be in the energy of the website, but we feel your energies and know you are there. Regardless of whom you are, our love goes out to you always. We hope you all will continue to grow and ascend with us and the Masters as we too continue the ascension process with them.

The healing Masters this week are Jesus and Dom Ignacio. They have a very interesting suction energy going on, like they are pulling from each person those energies that are stuck.

I had the most feedback ever, regarding last week's diary entry.  I'm glad so many of you got something from it. There has been a saying circulating for many many years - "We are the ones we have been waiting for." I'd like to change it a little ... "You are the one, you have been waiting for." With all the external spiritual information that bombards those on the path, it is easy to see others as more advanced, more knowledgeable, more prepared, more aware, more awake... the list goes on. It is easy to put these people on pedestals. Jesus showed me this week, the pedestal being knocked over and everyone on a flat surface. This is so true, no one is greater or lesser - we are all students, we are all teachers. Jesus said "When the heart opens the ears open too." Meaning when in the heart we hear the teachings of others around us - our children, our friends, a chance encounter. Be open to the universe being your teacher and you in turn being part of that universal school of equality - where everyone is both student and teacher.

From time to time I share snippets from emails I get. This latest email comes from a lady in Britain -

 I was gazing (as I often do) at the Masters’ energy/colours on your website, and guess what!  When I looked at Pallas Athena’s ‘picture', her face formed!  Looked away, thinking I’d imagined it, and when I looked again, her face was still there!  WOW!  Lots of vivid colours, like orbs, floating from the ‘picture’.  Same with Hilarion - especially vivid pink, which surprised me!  Needed to share that, cos it’s so exciting the way the ‘portal pictures' keep ‘evolving’ as time goes by, always showing something different.

The pictures referred to are portals for the Masters energy to flow through 24/7. Much good can be received by just sitting in front of them. You can look at them on this page, click here. 

Waireti and I can feel the energy of change around us as 2014 draws to a close. The Masters are stepping it up and so we too need to step up to stay in the flow with them. At this time of commitments with family we are also juggling alone time with the Masters as they indicate what they want us to do. I'm also aware I only sent two newsletter this year - an indication of how busy we are. As of this moment, I know 38 have passed the 4th initiation with us so far and 12 have passed the 5th initiation. Those numbers will increase by 2 more within the next few days and weeks. Some of those who passed the 5th initiation this year are racing towards the 6th initiation next year. 

And to end this year's diary I can say the Masters have started the clearing and blessing of the land in Denmark and Hawaii. They will be finished by the 26th of December. A lovely new year's present to the people of both these lands. New Zealand still continues in the process of clearing and blessing the land and Texas is still in the process ofthe Masters clearing the land based entities from the land.  They are now working on the area from Wichita Falls to Marble Falls and back to the west meeting the border of the land that had been cleared of land based entities already.

Blessings to you all this holiday season - marked not by a religion, but by the open hearts of you and everyone else around the world as your love goes out to many, and in doing so Lights the world in a very special way. May your Love continue to be a Light for many.