St. Germain Ascended Master Portal


This card is a portal for Ascended Master St. Germain.

Ascended Master St. Germain's energy flows from this card 24/7.

Place the card on a chakra and feel the Master's energy flow into you.

125 x 125mm - 5 x 5"

250 x 250mm - 10 x 10"

Current stock: 0

Portal Sizes *

1 Review

Sylvia 28th Jun 2022

Powerful Healing with the St. Germain Portal card

St. Germain is the Master I have done most of my work with over my life, and when your parcel arrived with his Portal card (and others), I set to work immediately. I knew that my Solar Plexus needed cleansing and as I put the portal card there, I could feel the work of the Master instantly. Then I saw many cords, all tangled up and rising to a dark figure manifesting instantly near me. St. Germain was working on cutting the cords, and especially the black cord to the dark figure. I could feel the dark figures power waning with St. Germain doing the work. After 2 hours of process , I ended with a forgiveness process incl. myself, which I do regularly. As I had also ordered White Tara and Lord Lanto cards I placed these in the room to help me integrate this experience and protect me during that period following such a profound process. However, the most remarkable thing came the following day. I received a message that the older of my 2 brothers, who had died in an explosion of a hand grenade in Germany in 1948 at the age of 13, would incarnate again in the following 2 years. I came to England 20 years ago, and almost immediately after moving into my house and unpacking, I found his photo hanging out of its frame . That night he appeared to me and told me for hours why he had to die and what was happening in the family. Things I did not know. Since then I have seen him over an 18 months period accompanying Sufi Master Rumi becoming the guardian of the cave to St. Germain's etheric retreat in America. This message about his impending rebirth allowed me to see that St. Germain had certainly and finally helped me to let go of this trauma. I would not have believed the power of the portals before this experience and can highly recommend them. I also want to thank Verna and Maruata for their excellent and trustworthy work. My heart is now glad at the success of overcoming and retrieving part of my Soul with the help of the Masters and your tireless work, Verna and Maruata. I will spread the word about your work so that more people will reach enlightenment and Ascension sooner... In loving gratitude Sylvia

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