Wounded Teen distant healing


The teens years can be traumatic for many of us.

This session is for you from your 14th birthday to the day before your 21st birthday.

In this distant healing session the Ascended Master Marua (this is Maru-ata's new name in keeping with his ascension and rising vibration) supported by four Ascended Masters and an Archangel, will take you into his healing temple, there they travel back in time to the day of your 14th birthday. Then week by week to the day before you were 21, Marua will heal and clear all the blockages and issues he encounters. You will receive past life healing for any traumas he encounters.Verna will be the physical anchor and link between you both. She will monitor the session for about 15 minutes and then she stands back and Maru-ata continues with the Masters. The session can be two hours long. 

This is not a channeled session, Verna creates a direct link between Master and recipient.



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2 Reviews


Clearing the Past

It is with great joy that I write after first receiving healing for the wounded child, and now the wounded teen. Great swathes of fixed trauma, both from past lives and in this life were lovingly removed by the Masters and Archangel. I am finding my Centre and the change in body , mind and consciousness are simply awe inspiring. More flexibility in my whole limbic system and more completely letting go of fears has lightened everything. I can feel the freedom in my Mind every day! What a wonderful experience this has turned out to be! Thank you Verna, Marua and all the protective Masters... In Love and Gratitude Sylvia England

C Ross 20th May 2022

Wounded Teen

The Wounded teen healing has made a huge difference to me. I feel lighter and free from past trauma that was still affecting me despite many years of excellent psychotherapy and all the other healings via the portal. It was greatly reduced, but still playing out. The trauma remained in my body and I would frequently play things over in my mind. In particular, sexual trauma I went through as a young woman was affecting me more than I realised. The past has been transformed now. #Joy is the best revenge. Thank you so much to you and Marua and all the other Masters and Angels who took part.

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